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Quarantined with SD and DH update

Eve-Bee's picture

So I was worried that the SD quarantine would make me go back to the time of feeling terrible and drained by SD behavior and DH lack of parenting. I find that my personal journey of not taking the problem-solver(rescuer) mindset with SD and DH, makes me feel liberated, and I am capable of instead focusing 100% on my own goals and addressing my personal problems. Without this inner anxiety, that I had before (when I was with SD), that I could not really explain the origin of at the time, but it is gone now. And, I am continuing to practice disengagement. 

SD just came to our home last night, and in the morning, DH opened the fridge, and what before was stacked with all kinds of food, is now looted, completely emptied out overnight. His face expression was so shocked. *Well, not my problem. I am busy working not engaging*

Then later, SD came and opened the fridge equally disappointed that the fridge was not magically stacked in the morning. DH did not say anything, but his face did all the talking. Then she announced that because of her serious allergies, DH has to buy more luxurious breakfast and lunch meals (the poor victim of fake allergies). *Again, not my problem. I am busy working not engaging*

On a more serious note, I will have a talk with DH about him increasing his payments to our shared bill account so that it is him that takes the financial hit for letting SD live here for free. I will not make extra payments for sure. *Again, not my problem.*

And just now, SD told DH she is infuriated that all group assignments have become individual assignments, implying that she actually has to do the work instead of free-riding of other group members' hard work. Consequently, her chances of failing HS again is increasing, and she is taking the victim position. *Again, not my problem. I am busy working not engaging* (if you had seen my reaction before, you would know that this is a tremendous improvement. I would most likely jump in and help her by offering to read her work and give feedback on her writing *kicking my old self*)

I am embarrassed to say, but prior to this awakening, I used to drink wine or eat unhealthy to self-medicate the evolving inner anxiety of being with SD and DH (I also went in therapy). Now, I do not need these unhealthy habits anymore, I have lost about 6kg (/13 pounds) of weight, and I have started to exercise regularly and stay committed to my weight loss and health goals. 

I wish I could go back in time and kick the old me in the head. I have learned so much from steptalk, and appreciate all the comments I have gotten on my messy madness, the truth is that my journey of self-care started when I found this site, reading about disengagement, mini-wife, narcs, and other terms like drama triangle. Not to mention, the thoughtful comments that challenge my current mindset and makes me accountable. I have been feeling like I should not give advice to others here since my way of dealing with things was unhealthy, and I am still trying to figure out what healthy looks like. I do hope that documenting my journey here holds me accountable and that if someone akin to my old self, reads it, they might get something out of it. And next for me most likely imply not me dealing with it, instead me putting boundaries with DH (as pointed out in insightful comments), which in turn, will most likely end my marriage. I am working on getting there financially and formulating my deal-breakers, as mentioned, I've been crunching the numbers, and have set the date by the end of August 2020, I am fully committed to that.


Eve-Bee's picture

Yes, she has a problem with overindulging in food (not the vegetables or grains) while watching Netflix and not getting much exercise or walks, BM and DH have not done anything to stop it, so the last three years she has become obese.

Siemprematahari's picture

Congratulations on this new found self awareness and creating boundaries that protect you and your well being. You are doing the work and hope you continue to disengage, exercise, eat healthy, and continue with all the wonderful self care that you are practicing. It is well deserved!

The beauty with boundaries is that they teach people how to treat you and blocks out what doesn't serve you. 

Cheers to your healing. You got this!!!

Eve-Bee's picture

Thanks Siemprematahari :) 

I loved your qoute! 
"The beauty with boundaries is that they teach people how to treat you and blocks out what doesn't serve you"

In hindsight, I don't think the old me really knew what setting healthy boundaries actually was. I used to tell people no verbally, and most people respected that. But somehow, a certain type of people (like BM, SD, and DH) did try to invade my space and took things or got in dire situations where I was compelled to help them, thus making an exception to the boundary. Then I would think that I was reinforcing boundaries by telling them that they should never do this again. And I was so conflicted because I thought that I had basically done my job in putting down a boundary, and I was at a loss as to how I could change their behavior, which I felt was their responsibility.

Now I see that I have much better ways to create healthy boundaries, by truly understanding what kind of supply people get from me and being more self-aware of my role and actions.  

Simpleton21's picture

Your SD sounds so much like mine!  Sorry! LOL!  I think I would go crazy if she was quarantined in our home.  She also has an over indulgence and fake illness issue that DH seems oblivious too.  

I need to mourn some things like you did in order to better disengage.  I try to disengage but then I go crazy with how much DH just lets slide and how it will ultimately affect my family.  You have inspired me to try to disengage even harder Wink


Eve-Bee's picture

Thanks, that was nice to hear. It's painful to let go of these dreams we have for our lives, but IMO it makes everything better.  Smile

LOL, sure sounds similar, it used to drive me crazy also how much utter nonsense regarding obvious lies and fake illness DH would just let slide. At some points, I would wonder if he was really that stupid. Now I think that he was just comfortable because I cared enough for the both of us. Now that I do not care, he is alone in the disfunction, which is far less comfortable for him. 

Simpleton21's picture

I'm sure you have seen some of my blogs regarding the lies and faking.  The last one not only did my DH let it slide he actually fed into it and I finally ended up losing my shit!  Especially when SD's very next visit she was completely fine and blaming BM for the over exaggeration of the SD didn't act like she couldn't walk or talk normally!  

I'm at the point that I wish that SD would PAS out!

Eve-Bee's picture

Yes, I have seen some of your blogs, and in my past, I have had similar experiences. DH has rushed SD to the emergency room several times, when she is obviously faking illnesses. While when I told him that I could see that DD had a scratched cornea and that she was in pain, he was not taking it seriously at all. SD has a sore throat, and he is overly perturbed and brings her to the E.R. When I asked him about it, he said that SD (8 years older than DD) is fragile; therefore, he worries extra for her.

PAS seems like a compelling solution in our case, and I hope it will happen for you. I know that it will not likely ever happen in my case, BM and SD are both narcs, so they do not thrive together. 

SD might get a kind and caring man to become her boyfriend and enabler and trap him with a baby when he starts to see the real her (like BM did). If that happens, I am sure that she will only call DH for cash, babysitting, or the day the relationship goes south. 

In my situation, SD will never do anything that is not self-serving and her lack of empathy for others makes her unable to form truly close bonds with others. Also, IMO DH and SD do not have a good relationship, and they probably never will. It is all about her manipulations through false victimhood, drama, her needs, and lazyness, in all her relationships. Sometimes I feel like him catering to her faked illnesses is him trying to convince himself that they have this (non-existing) close bond. 

Simpleton21's picture

Wow, this sounds exactly like my situation.  My DH was not concerned at all that my ODS could have possible had a concussion after he was physically attacked, slammed into the ground head first and punched in the face repeatedly "b/c he wasn't showing any symptoms" b/c my ODS isn't one to fake things like this.  A few weeks later SD has the most severe concussion ever from a one on one collision in which no one saw her fall or hit her head and he is soooooooooooooooo beyond worried and talking about how bad he feels for her and on and on and on.  Made me want to barf for real! Then when I can't take it anymore and flip out and point out SD is obviously faking it was suddenly only BM over exaggerating the injury.

I'm just being hopeful with the PAS in my case b/c again my case is pretty much just like yours.  Both BM and SD are narcs. 

I don't think SD will find a man to fool unless it is a desperate man.  She isn't cute and she is extremely annoying.  If she did end up having a baby she would probably cry rape b/c she wouldn't admit that she had sex willingly if she thought she would get in trouble for it.  

Wow, your last paragraph really hits home with my situation also!  Maybe that is his issue with his blinders and all of SD and BM's BS!

Eve-Bee's picture

Yes, it is similar! It was quite severe she had to take antibiotic ointment in her eye for days not to get a worsened or permanent injury to her eye. DD was also injured from an attack. One boy held her down in gym class while the other ended up scratching her eye with his finger. 

The attack on your son sounds beyond terrible, and I hope he never will go through anything like that again. Head injuries are so scary.

In DD case, it was actually a bit cute, the boy that scratched her eye after apologizing, left a letter in her backpack telling her that he had a crush on her, and was ashamed that he had acted so weird around her, but that he meant no harm. 

Gosh, your SD sounds like a real catch. SD is also incredibly annoying, but she has become really good at grooming people, but she cannot keep up the act over time. So she has these intense short friendships (where she uses people) that then burn out, but most of the time, she is just at home eating and watching Netflix.