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OT: Sort of - Recipe Video of 2 Yr Old Cracking Egg..

Evil4's picture

While searching for recipes on youtube, I came across this video. It's a cooking channel of a Japanese mom and her 2 year old DD demonstrating Japanese recipes. At about the 2:42 mark, I just about died laughing because the adorable little girl cracks an egg like a pro. I felt that posting the video link here is appropriate because of the frequent "is this normal" posts when sparents ask us if it's normal for their teenage SK to still not be able to cut their own meat or if their 30 something SK still can't do basic tasks. 

The little girl in this video is so cute! I love how she guides her mom's hand to help her cook. LOL! 


thinkthrice's picture

There is no end of blogs here of skids who can't even wipe their own butt or bathe well into their tweens.