Offensive, Rude and Horrible....Don't Read If You're Easily Offended...Super Epic RANT
Ok. This is going to be vile, offensive and full of truth. As previously mentioned, you have been warned that this may be offensive and if you are easily offended, do not read it. If you are easily offended and chose to read it anyway, well whose fault is that? This is definitely not the fruit of the Forbidden Tree and there is totally no talking snake, so your actions are your own and don't whine when you read something that hurts your feelers or makes you feel filthy inside. This is how I feel right now. Evil, wicked and vile. I really need an outlet and since I seem to lack friends because I am a horrible woman for not lactating everytime I hear a baby fart or get over-freakin-joyed at a toddler cry. Again you have been warned...
SD has pretty much hit the HEIGHT of disgusting. A seven year old who still shits her pants and talks like she's 3....Gee how TERRIFIC. Not to mention she constantly smells like mildew, her clothes are always dirty, SHE is always dirty. God forbid you ask the child to take a bath. She'll scream and bawl and then shit in the tub. Yep. She's 7. Can't wait until she shits her pants in school when she's older. If the humiliation doesn't make her stop....Then nothing will. I made brownies this past weekend because I was hardcore PMS craving them. What does she do when she comes over? Digs her nasty-ass hands in and eats like she's freakin' Crissy the Caveman. Yes she has been tested for any internal issues causing her poop fascination. There's nothing wrong with her, and her therapist thinks she does it for attention and the gross factor that comes with it.
Ohhh DH...If I could chuck a stapler at your head and knock some sense into you, you can guarantee I would. You stupid, stupid fool. There are times I'm not sure why in the seven hells I ended up marrying you. Your ex-vagina and mini-b!tch drive me I-N-S-A-N-E! If there was a time machine, I'd go back in time and make sure you stayed fat through highschool so BM totally wouldn't have got with you. And even if she did get with you when you were fat, I'd totally make sure you two were NEVER left alone and would have made sure that marriage and conception NEVER HAPPENED. If you'd have learned after you and BM's first split up, you know the one where she slept with 12 MEN IN 2 WEEKS, then there wouldn't be this little issue...named SD. And hell, who knows if the snot is even YOURS?! She was concieved in the time frame of the 12 men. Thank heavens I made you get tested before doing ANYTHING with you. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE DH more than any other man in the world. He just lacks the adventure I crave and the fact that his demonic doll-face is always around doesn't make life any more 'adventurous', rather just torturous. DH used to be fun and adventurous. Back before we were married and before SD unleashed her inner Damien...
One woman can only take so much. It seems when I look at stepfamilies or whatever you want to call them, it is everyone against the stepmom. BM vs SM. SD/SS vs. SM. DH vs SM. Why in the hell can we not get a damn break? I'm sick of ExVag thinking she has any say in anything we do in our house, I am sick of stepass thinking she can come in and do whatever the hell she wants to who and what she wants, and I am sick of DH not giving a bird shit about any of it!!!!!!!
GROW SOME DAMN JUEVOS DH! It's like it gets a little bit better and we are moving forward then freakin JUMANJI and we move back 5 spaces. Regardless of whether it is our house (before stepdom), our clothes, our things....Not a shit is given because we are the SM. Since we have a magical vagina with magical vagina powers, we are supposed to love every smiling, gooey little brat that comes our way. We get shafted, and we have to admit it. Most of our DH's would much rather make their children 100% happy, doing WHATEVER it takes, while if we ask for a simple hug or warm fart on a cold night in bed, we get NOTHING.
If you think about it, marrying a man with kids and an ExVag, is much like polygamy. Because no matter WHAT you do there will always be that OTHER woman getting your DH's money, time, ear and words. I don't care if she was there FIRST, obviously she was a MISTAKE or he'd still be there. Where the hell is the white out for life?
It is just one of those days....Ya know the one where you want to crawl into a hole, bury yourself and frame BM?
- Fading's blog
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I heart you...very much.
I heart you...very much.
I can't tell if that's a Ooo
I can't tell if that's a Ooo yay jawdrop or a "someone commit her NOW" jawdrop.....
I seem to lack friends
I seem to lack friends because I am a horrible woman for not lactating everytime I hear a baby fart or get over-freakin-joyed at a toddler cry.
Sorry you are having a bad day.
Dear Fading: I know your rant
Dear Fading:
I know your rant is meant to be serious, but you should have been a comedian. You are saying everything I feel but am afraid to write down or say! It seems that SM's are supposed to always be nice and loving when everyone else in the house can act however they want. Not fair and not acceptable. It's okay to vent these feelings because it can actually be very therapeutic. It matters what you DO after you vent.
We all need to do this
We all need to do this sometimes!! Hope your day gets better!
I'm sorry you're having a
I'm sorry you're having a horrific day, Fading. I agree with the above poster ^^^^ it's fucking awesome that you're so bold and can say what you feel. I take offense to NONE of it and agree with you 100%.
Sad thing is, she's only 7 fucking years old. SEVEN...sorry to bring you down further. I'd be floating face down in a pool by now if I were you
I try to keep in mind that
I try to keep in mind that she is 7. But even a seven year old shouldn't feel the lust to spread corn-filled poo all over the bathroom walls and in her pants...Then giggle because I find it more disgusting than Andy Dick's face.
Yeah, that's what I mean by
Yeah, that's what I mean by she's ONLY in you have a LOT more time with her than what you'd want. If she were 17, that would be different, obviously.
I couldn't deal with that shit (no pun intended). I'd be outta there. But that's me!
Don't lie you totally
Don't lie
you totally meant the pun 
Yeah, guilty - I did!!
Yeah, guilty - I did!! LMAO
But if it made you smile, just a little bit - I'll gladly admit it!
Fading, I hear you, I feel
Fading, I hear you, I feel you and I applaud you.
Re: It also helped me to see a counselor, spill my guts and have them tell me I'm normal and what I'm dealing with is 100% other people's shit. NOT MINE.
Yes indeed! SD has been in the juvenile justice system from age 13 up until past her 18th birthday. Judge ordered family counselling and evals on all of us...passed with flying colors and counsellor advised me well...stop letting her push buttons and continue with not dignifying crap in front of her. That is giving her power over you when you react, according to the counsellor. I agree, it's fuelling her for her next outburst.
I heard from SD and her twin brother, they yelled down the stairs 'you are not our mom so we do not have to do anything you tell us!' I did not even give DH an opportunity to say a word, I stated 'You are absolutely correct, and nor do I have to do the 'mom' things!'
DH's jaw hit the floor, he got the message though! Since then things have improved.
I'm sorry you're having a bad
I'm sorry you're having a bad day. I hope things get better.
The sad thing is, she's 7. Imagine how bad things will be at 13 if mom and dad don't step up and help her. It's good that you recognize that they are the problem.
I plan on being completely
I plan on being completely sedated by her teens. I'll make my own show called "Real Stepmoms of the Trailer Park" and walk around hyped up on discount valium. There's times she makes Charles Manson look like Spongebob Squarepants...
Luckily yes. It seems that
Luckily yes. It seems that DH's spermies found one to be too many as well and were revolted by the smell of ExVag's lady bits too. Thank god something in his body has intelligence...
Dear Fading, I am still
Dear Fading,
I am still laughing and still laughing and still laughing. You missed your calling. Thanks so much. I couldnt have said it better myself but I would have said it if I had of thought of it first. lol Yes, Lucky shitty 7. I will pray for us. LOL Mine is 20 SD. I pray you find peace someday. You have a long time to deal with the devil. You have to tell DH that you are not happy anymore. That is what I did before DH had even considered laying one ground rule for SD. Dont let them run you crazy!!! Let DH clean her crap and see how he likes it. DAM SHAME!!! I guess it is ok with the BM to let her keep crapping on herself in order to cause confusion between you and DH. DH better wake up. I wish you well and dont let them keep handling you like that. You are so right the SM do get the short end. Until I found this post I didnt know such crap existed but now I do. WOW FREAK'n WOW!!!! It gives comfort knowing I am not alone but sadness that so many marriages are in trouble because of the enablers and cowards. What do they expect us to do live in hell for forever. When she gets older she may be worser but dont give her your marriage if you can help it. Stand firm with her and dear old dad as well. Good luck.
You've got a friend in me...
You've got a friend in me...
Nothing but respect & support
}:) Nothing but respect & support here, girlfriend. Love this post.
"If you think about it, marrying a man with kids and an ExVag, is much like polygamy"
- I feel like I'm living with 3 clones of BM. Stupid, dirty, disgusting and lazy BM x3. :sick:
Every SM here just went "Oh yeah! You tell it like it is!!!!"
I loved reading your post!!!
i feel for you. different sd
i feel for you. different sd issues for me, but the same amount of disdain for sure. i am amazed that the troll bait didn't catch a few and cause them to rain their holier than thou crap upon you. then again, it's pretty clear that you don't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks, so maybe the just knew better!
This is a STELLAR post!! I
This is a STELLAR post!! I gotta think that 99.9% of us SM's on here have - at some point - felt exactly like this about whatever our step issues are. Vent away are my posting idol!!
Who is cleaning up the mess
Who is cleaning up the mess when she has an "accident"? Is she in underwear or did you end up putting her in diapers? I couldnt deal with poopy pants all the time. My washer is on its last leg as it is and I wouldnt want to put more strain on it. I do need a new one but....I dont want to be forced to get one when I just cant afford it.