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Silently Screaming and Planning A Boycott

Fading's picture

So DH texts me and says that BM has 6 days to get out of her apartment. Ok fine. They already found a new place. Whatever I could care less. THEN he texts me and says that his sister told him something that really is upsetting him. So I bite and call him.

Apparently back in June/July 09 Atilla's stepdad 'hit' her when she wouldn't stay in bed and go to sleep. I asked DH did he actually hit her or did he spank her? He admits that SF spanked her and it was a quick swat on the bum. I said well she wouldn't go to sleep and I know Atilla doesn't like to listen to anyone and gets mouthy. DH got all pissed off.

Now I don't believe in spanking as a general punishment, but as a LAST RESORT. And I don't mean a power up, spin your arm spank, but a swat on the butt. Now I don't know what ACTUALLY happened but by the sounds of it, it was a swat because Atilla wasn't listening and being mouthy and DH is just huffy because someone disciplined his Princess. And my other issue is if this was such a HUGE thing, why didn't his sister tell him back in June/July when she SAW it happen? Oh thats right because she was pissed at ME for something that was none of her damn beeswax.

So now I am thinking of boycotting the nephews and Atilla's birthday party on Saturday because I don't feel like being around SIL or a bunch of bratty, undisciplined children. But then I think I am just being spiteful and should just go for the kids.

UGH I am SO SICK of all this SH!T. I just really do not feel like spending time with any of these people. I always end up sitting alone whilst SIL & her hubby and her hubby's family sit there and talk smack about me to everyone that will listen because apparently I am a HORRIBLE person. GRRRRRRRRRR. I am so pissed and confused I could cry.


JustAnotherSM's picture

Don't go. There's alot of that 24-hour flu going around. It would be a shame if you suddenly caught it too.

Fading's picture

LoL. I love that one. Wouldn't want to infect all the kiddies... }:)

*: (=’:’ ):*

"I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work." -Thomas Edison

Constantly_guilty's picture

Do not go places that people make you feel badly. You have every right to refuse the company of people who will not treat you with respect. Just say no.