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New drama:

Fake-Mom's picture

O.K. new stuff. The 19/female has now decided to spent her nights shacked up at her boyfriends momma house in his room with him and every now and again I wake up to find them shacked up in her bedroom. I am not ok with this and he has just let it go. When I finally brought it up STUFF hit the fan. Am I old fashion?


GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

It's not bad to be old fashioned. If my kids want to shack up, they're welcome to do so. Just as soon as they get their own homes, apartments, rented closets, whatever. But they're not doing it here. And I don't care if they're allowed to do it everywhere else, either. It's not happening around here. :sick:

I couldn't care less if anyone thinks I'm "cool".

zenjetset's picture

My mom would have hurt me! My dad would have killed me!! No not an option at our house. Guess I'm un-cool!

Ever heard - "get a room!"

That's what they should do! Yuck!!!