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Chester the Molester is history. .but so are DH's balls

fedupstep's picture

After the Disaster of Father's Day 2015 when sd16 had her temper tantrum, dh standing his ground and me thinking of taking up day drinking while sitting in my closet, I really am living in carzy town now.

The good news is that sd16 broke up with Chester the Molester, her 21 year old bf. Ironically she dumped him because he would answer her texts fast enough for her liking and waa feeling ignored. She can go days without getting back to dh bit can't wait an hour for the bf to get back to her.

Dh has been in a bad mood all week...he finally apologized the other night and I was feeling a bit better about the situation when he told me he also apologized to sd16 for yelling at her.

What. The. Ever. Loving. Fuck.

He said he only apologized for yelling, not for being upset with her. Yeah dh, I'm sure she caught the difference. Any ground and respect he may have gained is gone. Bravo dh! Guilty parenting is victorious again!


kathc's picture

Yep, better make sure her widdwe feewings aren't hurt. :sick:

I highly recommend hiding booze and chocolate (or whatever your preferred snack food is) in your bedroom and then locking yourself in there when skid starts driving you crazy.

robin333's picture

Oh boy, just when you see sunshine poking through the clouds, it starts raining again.