I don't know what's more frustrating...
a) SD16's increasingly bad life choices. (skipping class, failing classes, lying, manipulations, stealing, unprotected sex with at least 2 boys that she's admitted to)
b) DH's almost delusional happiness when we go a whole 2 weeks without a call from BM or SD about some more bad behaviour. It's like he wants to throw her a flippin' parade for just going to class and keeping her legs closed. I'll be happy to celebrate with you when the behaviour is CONSISTANT. Two weeks is just a honeymoom period.
c) BM parenting style. How do you punish a child that constantly skips class? Why, give her permission to skip class so she can go to the mall with her friends! When DH asked her why the hell she would allow her to skip when she's bordering on being suspended, she replied, 'well, at least she asked permission this time.'
Just kill me now....
- fedupstep's blog
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Our bm does that, too. SD15
Our bm does that, too. SD15 misses the bus in the morning -- BM calls in an excused absence and kid stays home ALONE all day. Apparently, you have to be a genius to figure out that maybe staying home alone day with no supervision might actually REWARD a kid for dawdling and missing the bus.
Drives us nuts.