SD's compassion
I came down with pneumonia last week. Quite scary actually...I was fine, then had the sniffles and a bit of a sore throat, then DH finds me passed out on the bathroom floor and calls an ambulance. After a night at the ER, I'm home and starting to feel better. DH got a quick education on how much I do around the he's been wonderful and quite honestly it's been nice to see how much he cares.
While I was in the ER waiting for the doctor, DH kept looking at his phone. I know he was expecting a call from SD16, although I don't know why he holds his breath. She never calls when she says she's going to call. I finally told him to call BM, tell her what's going on and have SD call tomorrow. He texts BM, who responds quickly with 'OMG, I hope FedUp is ok. I'll let SD know.'
Do you think this child gave it a thought to reach out that night? Or the next? OR THE NEXT? No. DH finally called her 4 days later. He asked if she knew I had been in the hospital. Yes, she replies..has been meaning to call but has been 'busy'. She comes for her visitation the next day and she pops her head in my bedroom. "You don't look as sick as I expected". Wow, sorry to disappoint you SD.
I then got to spend the weekend listening to SD and DH fight like cats and dogs. She was caught with her cell phone in her room. (A big no in this house) and DH found his balls and actually took it away from her. She threw a fit like a 3 year old. 'YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TAKING THAT FROM ME!!! THAT PHONE IS NOT YOURS, IT'S MINE! YOU DON'T PAY FOR IT!! GIVE IT BACK NOW!!!!' Next thing I hear is BM on the phone and the 3 of them yelling and then SD storms up the stairs to her room, 'I don't have to put up with this shit!' and packs her bag. DH took her back to her mom's 6 hours early.
He came home and I can tell he had been crying. I think it finally hit him how horrid this child is.
- fedupstep's blog
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I had to read this blog also
I had to read this blog also since the title was such an oxy moron LOL.
Of course SD doesn't care - that is no surprise to anyone I am sure. I am glad you are feeling a bit better and it sounds like a scary episode.
I had a similar incident a few years ago where I early stage cancer in my lady area and had operation only. A couple years later I am in pain in the abdomen and urine test showed high blood count. My gyne-onc was very concerned and sent me for multiple tests and and a biopsy on the womb under general anestetic. VERY scary time for me. I had lost a lot of weight too and felt terrible all around.
Anyway this is just prior to my big disengagement from SD (Now 38 years old), and when she saw me she asked how did the test go? I said they went well - everything is fine! No cancer. She exclaimed in the most surprised voice - WHAT??!! Your're kidding?? Really ??? She also said, how can there be nothing wrong when you have lost so much weight. She could not believe I wasn't on my death bed.
OMG, it was a surreal moment in time since she couldn't hide her disappointment. It was a little scary to me actually. I finally realized how she must truly hate me to have such a reaction. She can't wait for me to die. Pure evil.
Actually the stress of her and DH ganging up on me at that time made me sick and I lost all the weight from stress.
I finally disengaged for good and feel a lot better and have gained some of my weight back too.
I had a very similar event in
I had a very similar event in January of this year. Ambulance, hospital, all that. Very scary indeed. SSthen12 was able to express compassion and worry for me and wished me to get better. And he's autistic!
SDthen14? All she wanted was full use of the TV. Since I had to sit up (or, you know, die) I was in my big chair with fluffy happy things on to help me calm down. She sneered, shunned, whined, and complained at her usual full force. DH said, "It's not that she doesn't care about you, I'm sure she cares about yo--" "Where is the evidence for that, DH?!!!?!" Crestfallen, he responded, "there's none."
Yeah, something in me changed that day, too. Stopped looking at her as such a little girl. More like at a malevolent presence in my house.
It seems impossible that I could feel any worse about her than I do now but if she ever made my DH cry, I might end up in jail.
Your story obviously hit home with me, fedup.