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Any suggestions for reducing fighting between step brothers and sisters?

floridagirlal's picture

Title says it all.....anyone have any suggestions?

By the way, SS13 has ADD and one of the ADD traits is that he is socially awkward and says rude things because he doesn't know what else to say. My BDs 13 & 14 usually respond to his rudeness by saying some smartass comment in return. He gets his feelings hurt and thinks that they hate him. How do I fix this?????


Ninja chick's picture

Being a stepkid my self I hate to tell u this but there's no fixing it. One will always feel threatend by the other do to the fact there not blood. The only advice I have is make it as equal as possiable

overit2's picture

Ughh, I'm in the same could tie them together on a tree for a day until they efforts of escaping bond them?

Blum 3

12yrstepmonster's picture

Work with skid about appropriate behavior and tell biokids that teasing for medically or educational issue is not acceptable.

SD started teasing ydd for her spelling - right oe wrong ydd has an IEP regarding spelling issue. She is the kid that can't retain and when flustered rushed or nervouse goes right back to phonetically spelling. He was told to stop and in our house he is not allowed to tease.

doll faced sm's picture

My SM finally got so tired of it, she forbid my SS and me from talking to each other and even went so far as to put a line of duct tape right down the middle of our shared room - complete with path for my SS to get out since her "side" was not the side with the door. Of course it only lasted for a few days while she cooled down. Funiest part was that by handling it that way, she did more to stop the bickering than she thought; we thought it was so hilarious that we actually got along for the next few days.