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BM is driving me crazy with daily phone calls! HELP!

free2be's picture

:? I can't stand this one more day and just need some guidance. BM/EX is calling daily with trivial things to say and couldn't handle a fight with skids so call all evening while at dinner with my family. She knew we were out to dinner and had to call seven x's to have my husband solve the problem. Should I confront her and tell her to grow up. I told him that if he answers her call again, I'm done. She has been trying to split us up since we got married. She cheated on him and he left her. She has not moved on or found another relationship! What should I do? Please help!


free2be's picture

He has told her over and over to stop calling. He has yelled at her and told her off and she continues to call daily about the stupidest things. I feel like I need to set some boundaries here too. I've said nothing for three and a half years and she continues on and on. I am at the point where I would rather be alone. If he can't change this and she won't listen to him; there seems to be little hope. She thinks that if she keeps calling and bothering us, I will eventually get tired of it and leave and SHE'S RIGHT! I will leave b/c he obviously doesn't love me enough to stop this and I don't love him enough to stay. How do I stop this anger that I feel for her. I WANT TO LET IT GO BUT IT'S GETTING WORSE THE MORE I LET IT GO! SOMETIMES SHE CALLS SEVERAL TIMES A DAY. The boys are 12 & 13. They are not little kids. I don't get this????????????????

free2be's picture

You are both right! If he doesn't stop answering, there is no reason for her to stop calling. He is soooo afraid that there is going to be an emergency that he will miss and she knows that. But enough is enough! IF HE ANSWERS AGAIN, HE'S PACKING IT UP AND HITTING THE ROAD. I'M NOT MESSING AROUND ANYMORE. I look forward to getting to know everyone and finally finding people that understand and have been here. Thank you!!!!!!

dguiwh2334's picture

Free2be, I have to agree with dabevans and blendedfam... Fist of all, I have been batteling your very issues for months!! Its long and tedious and IT WILL NOT STOP TILL YOUR H PUTS A STOP TO IT!!! I don't know exactly how your situation is, but the BM in ours wants my BF back.. Altho they've been seperated well over a year, and BM has a BF and my BF lives with me! Most BMs will not let go of their ex, because they are lonely, jealous, finally seeing what they lost, and that what they lost is happy with another woman! The ONLY thing BMs have over their EXs head.. Is the children! And they will use those children to work their BD like puppets until they are 18 and ever longer in some cases. I myself have major jealousy issues, I do NOT want BM talking to my man if its not about the kids.. I've come to the conclusion my BF is just retarted when it comes to communication with the BM. What I have to remember when I get mad is that my BF is with ME! He lives with ME! He is at home in bed every night, with ME! And that kills BM.. So sadly, the communication won't end until your H can get the balls to end it with BM.. Sorry, and I totally understand where your coming from!! *hugs*