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Yo Yo Yo Down

Freedom2005's picture

Ok, so we talked last night and I am still leaving. This is so frustrating. I have had it with this guy.

He says he does not love me and is tired of pretending. Ok... my queue to move on. We have a target date of April 1. Which happens to be SD11s birthday.... how bittersweet. The little hemorrhoid gets me gone for her birthday. Now she can be the hen in this house.

Good riddance.


Freedom2005's picture

Well, I was going to try to stay because HE needed more time to get his finances in line. Well, this morning we talked and he says that if I can leave sooner it is ok, he will find a way to make it work.

Believe me, it is on my mind to be out by March 1.

Now he says I am an angry person... well DUH!!! He won't listen to me... It is looking better and better....

Thanks crayon...

Freedom2005's picture

I will. I just got my tax return. It is enough to live on for several months actually. I have a good job that I can support myself and my girls. We won't have a lot of extras, but we have lived that way before. We will be fine.

What kills me is that I really loved him. He is a good guy, just not 'boyfriend' good guy.

We want to work together on this, he does not want to put me out with out knowing I will be ok. I just worry about both of us emotionally. It is becoming very difficult.

This is more than step issues...

Thanks for the thoughts though!

distorted reality's picture

Best wishes to you! This is the beginning of awesome things for you. A bright new start on YOUR terms. Smile