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Fruits's picture

SS is not allowed out of our site what so ever, ever. Since his bully lost his target he found another kid to pick on. He picked the smallest and thinnest kid I have ever seen. What the bully didn't know is that this kid has 3 older brothers who are as big as he is little. The bully was in the process of killing this kid when his brothers saw what was happening. When the police pulled the brothers off (because the bystanders couldn't) there wasn't much left of the bully. Both of the boys are in the hospital and the little boy has multiple fractures, bruises ect and the bully has a severe head injury, facial fractures and internal bleeding. There is a rumor that he may not survive. I contact the boys mom on facebook and explained our situation to her and I sent her copies of police reports and names of everyone we have had contact with so she can fight any charges her boys face. I told her we would testify what the bully has put ss and our family though. I would never wish someone dead but I won't waster my prayers on that kid!!


Acratopotes's picture

I feel for the 3 brothers...... it was not self defense, they have allot of shit coming their way... and people like you who wants to be witness.. saying bully was looking for it sort of... not going to help them one bit.

twoviewpoints's picture

Florida's stand your ground law with defending self and others may get these brothers out of this. They were protecting their little brother who was in dire physical threat and bodily harm. Bully boy has grown a long history of being a known and real threat to others.

tankh21's picture

I agree imaSmom with exactly what you are saying about this bully and he deserved to get his butt kicked but I also worry for the brothers that did this and whether they will get out of this or not because the bully's parents will probably press charges. I feel the kids that was getting picked on by the bully kids, the brothers defending the kid and their parents for what they went through and what they are going to go through.

Pharlap's picture

Depends on how old the brothers in question are. I don't think they'll get off Scott free but whatever punishment they are given will probably be a slap on the wrist. Especially if the bully's past violent behaviors are brought out as well as the lack of action on the part of all of the adults in his life. If I was their attorney, this is one I would take my chances on going to trial if needed.

Pharlap's picture

As someone who was bullied mercilessly in middle school, I agree. My mom tried but the school didn't want to do jack. I'm glad a lot of schools are starting to realize this is a serious problem and that states passing legislation but we still have a long way to go. May the good lord help my child if I get wind of her bullying someone.

Start charging the parents for thier demon spawns actions that they don't do anything about and see how quickly the tides change.