We were watching the Family Feud last night.. and a question came up. From 1 to 10, 10 being the most, how much do people like other people's children.
I say 5, since its in the middle, and a safe number.. dh says 2... NO ONE likes anyone else's kids. I said, that's not true, we like Nephew, 18 mos (that would be MY sister's baby).. dh says, no, he is annoying..
This is the FIRST time I am hearing that he doesnt like my nephew. YEP.. went from OUR nephew to MY nephew after that comment. This is a happy baby that doesnt fuss... he is very active and likes to walk around my mom's home OVER AND OVER AND OVER, looking at the same things each time.. this apparently irrataes dh to the point that he finds the child annoying. This child gives hugs and kisses and smiles all the time. I dont get HOW this kid is annoying to him. So I didnt care.. I went for it ladies.. I am sure you KNOW what this convo lead up to.
I said.. Well.. if we are going to be that honest, YOUR kids are NO PICNIC.. and I have to deal w/them WAY more than you see nephew.
That shut him up.. and I was pissed and crying the rest of the night. HORMONES, I know.. but to find out that he feels this way about a sweet innocent baby, when his brats do and say whatever and act creepy is just blowing me away.
Here is to the hypocrites, they never cease to amaze us.
- frustratedinMA's blog
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FMA you know what
a winner my husband is, but I know he loves our son very much. However he does not find our 18 mo old as wonderful, amazing & charming as I do. I know for a fact that D get's on his nerves & that he finds him annoying. D is a very happy little man too. I think it is a man thing.
Way to go though telling him how you feel, those kids aren't perfect and I know it is so infuriating when they think they are.
Hang in there!
OMG.. see.. how is a happy
OMG.. see.. how is a happy child annoying?? I sooo think you should go away this weekend w/D and stay at your mom's. Grrrr.. If I could have pushed his face in last night... I would have.
I have no doubt that dh will love our child, because in dh's book, blood is everything, and he would have the same blinders on for our child as he has for his other two.. but seriously, its possible to like other people's children, ESPECIALLY when they are well behaved and happy.
I would love to take
D to my mom's but it is going to get cold again this weekend so it will be even colder there, plus my folks have stuff going on.
Right now DH is in sucking up mode as he is feeling better again & knows I am pissed. I might as well enjoy it... I got him to help fold 6 loads of laundry last night with me.
I think with D he just wears you down, toddlers require so much attention & energy.. many nights I go to bed as soon as he does. How pathetic.
Back on topic & no offense to any of the guys but woman are more nurturers by nature & it is hard for us to love someone elses child so I just can't help but think it is harder for men because they are wired differently. You love your nephew so much because not only is he adorable to you, but because you love his mother and he loves you back so freely.
DH was wrong to say that to you... when is he gonna learn.
Probably will never learn.
Probably will never learn. Though he knew enough to try and suck up to me the rest of the night.. to which he only got 1 word answers.
Mine too
there is an evil part of me that loves it when he wants to be all nice & I am short & aloof.
I re read
my innitial response & guess I should have said annoying at times.
see thats the thing...
here ur DH is, not liking ur adorable, well behaved little nephew, but WE as SMs are expected to LOVE our SKIDS even when they are raise dto be horrible littel people.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Exactly ladies, on both
Exactly ladies, on both counts.. I am expected to think his kids are the WORLD and they arent.. and then there is the QUANTITY of time.. I spend 2 days EOW w/the skids, he spends about 3 hrs EOW w/my nephew...