Another Skid weekend starts tomorrow... sigh...
Another weekend with the kids this weekend. 2 weekends ago when we had them it was a cryfest all night long because they 'missed mommy.' Like I said in my last blog post.. this crying thing is new... we've had the kids every other weekend at my place since the BF moved in back in July. This crying and waking up at 2am to call BM thing is new.
Last time she blamed it on me!
Here's another story to share... when the kids first met me the BF brought them over my place. I have 2 adorable little kitty cats. These are the most loving cats I've ever had. The kids loved them! They loved carrying them around and playing with them and wanted them to sleep with them.
The next time they came back they were scared of the cats. If the cats walked by they would give them a 5 foot birth. Suddenly the kids were saying things like 'we're allergic to cats.' NO THEY'RE NOT!! Where did this stuff get put in their heads... BM.... she doesn't want them to have any fun with us at all.
I'm trying to stand back and mind my place... I am after all just 'daddy's girlfriend.' I was in a codependent relationship before with my ex-husband. I like to try and fix things but this is not for me to fix... I can't swoop in and pay for an attorney so he can get joint custody... maybe it would be different if we were married but we've only been together a year.
I'm glad I have this place to vent.
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It's an acronym for
Parental Alienation Syndrome
Here's a link: