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School trip to Italy

Gabriels Mom's picture

SS13 has been invited to go on a school trip to Italy next year. DH and BM agreed. They also agreed on stipulations (good grades, better attitude, doing chores, etc) I immediately look at our budget to prepare to pay our HALF of the monthly payments which would roughly be 180.00 per month. BM set up a go fund me account. *SIGH* I told DH we need to plan to pay all of it because BM could never come up with her half of little league which was 90.00; the one time she did pay her half she had 6 months to do it and still paid 2 weeks late. I just don't see her paying.

MIL thinks DH and I should go with SS. I'd like to go, having him go to a foreign country without either DH or I makes me nervous and well who doesn't want to go to Italy? DH wants DS6 to go but I really don't think it's a good idea. He's a picky eater and I'm not sure he'd appreciate it. MIL said she'd use the opportunity to get some quality one on one time with DS. I can't tell if DH really thinks taking a 6 year old to Italy is a good idea or if he's doing some weird guilty daddy thing where both kids need to have the same experiences. Thoughts?


Jsmom's picture

Why would you go on a school trip if you are not chaperoning? Let the kid have some independence. He will be fine.

As for BM, paying, if she is in favor of it, she needs to be held accountable. These accounts are awful of people looking for money. Some lady looking for money to re-do her pool is on there. No kids, good job and wants 20K to re-do her pool.

twoviewpoints's picture

Excellent experience for the SS13. Is the trip including invites for parent/family to go at the group package discount? If so and your family can afford it, go. You'll love it. I wouldn't worry about the DS6 and his picky eating. There is a wide assortment of foods to pick from and cooked in various ways. My GS tired food I'd never dreamed he would. The look and smell lured him in.

I'm assuming BM had to agree to the trip and for SS to travel out of country whether or not she actually agreed to pay half. yes, she should try to pay for half of SS's expense, but realistically you know if she will follow through is extremely iffy. Do not promise to let this kiddo go if there is any chance of pulling it away later o if BM fails to pay. Not only is it not fair to the kiddo to do his share (the grades ect) and then have the trip yanked, but the organizer of event will not be pleased with you. So many of the group prices/discounts are based on how many people are going and once permission is given and the usual non-refundable deposit fee placed back-outs throw expenses off. What I'm saying is, don't hold this trip on the basis of BM 'might pay'. Hope to heck she does but plan to foot the entire bill in the event she doesn't pay her half IF Dad commits the child of going.

GS has done numerous countries (as family trips mostly not organized school trips, his school trips have been in the States)and he's never had a problem with adjusting quickly to the experience. As he has maternal grandparents based in Luxembourg with vacations homes in Italy and Spain GS has been doing these adventures since he was five. He is 13 now.

Gabriels Mom's picture

I have adopted the way of thinking that "BM will NEVER do her part" She doesn't. If we depended on her SS would miss out on everything.

As far as the trip goes, it's a family trip. SS said all family members are invited and told DH he wanted us to go. Sorry I wasn't clear about that. (I checked the website the teacher has set up for the trip) I am probably just paranoid about SS being in another country with someone I don't know and the fact that SS is completely clueless.

The money is coming out of DH's pay. I personally think he should make her pay half but he won't.

kathc's picture

OK, sorry, I'd posted before I read all your info about how it's a family trip and SS wants you to go.

I don't think you should take your BS6 though. Let him stay with MIL.

I think it's weird that they're making it a "family trip"--when I was in school we went away for a week with our friends, teacher, a couple of chaperones.