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Abnormal BM social networks

Ghost Rider's picture

This is just too funny. When BM found out I had a FB she sent a request wanting to be my friend. (Riiiggghhhhht! Hmmmmm, now why would I want to do that?)

After getting married back 4 years ago and her throwing us into court every second she could , HA she even tried to get more money in CS because I existed, tried to pass it over to the judge since her EX life has bettered with me working that she was entitled for more money. Because I was the one who purchase a home with money I inherited from my mother and she was not living in a nice house too she was entitled for more money because ex life had bettered more than hers.

Then she had the guts to tell someone which got back to me that she intends to send the kids in not only on his visitation time but at times that she suppose to have them to teach me a lesson what having kids around all the time is all about and maybe having the kids around enough it would make me sick and leave. Though this got annoying the first two years because she was also PASS on the kids to act up when they get to us, One daughter did not fall for it but the other one did and she was annoying by mama's instructions, the other daughter did not want to go back home to her and wanted to stay with us, Just lateral BS

Yea knowing what she was doing I am going to make her part of my friends list on social networks. RIggggghhhhttttt.

(all I can think about is the only reason why she is trying to tie in to my social network is she is dyeing to tell me how bad my husband was to her and tell me a whole bunch of nasty stories about him just like she did at a family wedding of such and such we join in and yes she was their because of the daughters. She has to be at every event that his family has and she ties herself in with the daughters as her excuse. She told her hard luck story about her and the ex and that he is a bad father neglects the kids especially the one daughter blah bla bla, ball full of lies)

I really do not want to hear about it. Every woman is going to have her story about the EX. And usually the new woman in your ex life probably does not want to hear about it.
Any way I don’t care much about GOOGLE + and because my stepdaughter is on it and she kept inviting me I added Google + but I never really go on it.
HOWEVER!!!! Again I have the BM wanting to befriend me on it! OMG!!!

Does anybody else have this problem? DOES ANYBODY have the BM listed in their social network?


WickednNasty's picture

No I don't have her on my list of freinds, nor would I ever allow it. There is just tooooooooooooo much many things she has done to my family and myself. I hope you realize that just by letting her request sit there she can see your status updates.

Lalena75's picture

BM doesn't seem to get the hint I won't friend her so I got very blunt. When SO and I first started dating but he and I weren't really out about it she friend requested several women he'd recently added on his fb me being one of them (he still ha her on his fb) I denied the request. when we were official I asked why he had her still on his fb and he said it was just to let her be pissed off he had a life but he immediately removed her without me having to ask, within an hour she friend requested both of us and we both denied her request. She then proceeded to send one once a week. Finally I sent her a message that I was not EVER going to accept a friend request that #1 I don't "friend" non fiends, #2 I don't friend people who tell me they hope I die, and #3 if she continues I will contact fb that she is harassing myself and my family (she had also sent my dd, my cousin, and my mom requests because though SO unfiended her he had no security on his fb which I told him to fix or I'd be removing him and blocking his fb from myself as well as my family doing the same he took care of that as well)
That somewhat got through to her but I've noticed recently my last 10 people I've friended she has as well, since her brother seems to know a few people I do pretty sure they fb stalk me but the people I've added it's not like I post to their pages and she can't see mine.
They just don't get it.

Anon2009's picture

My SDs BM is, get this, a fan of MYSPACE. I haven't used my MySpace account in over 2 years! I have her completely blocked from all of my internet networking pages. This BM sounds like a real winner.

Blu Denium's picture

Jeepers Creepers NO! She tried to request friends on FB when I first met my sweety but I denied her. I am pretty sure she had plenty of crap to tell me about him or how much she is the golden uterus. I pretty sure I was right on the money because she had finely corner me one day after she found out we were getting pretty serious giving me an ear full. She has never tried again to request friends.