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Same Birthday Month

Ghost Rider's picture

I hate sharing my birthday month with the step kids. Both of my step kids shares the same birthday month with me.

My husband would be a month ahead to plan something for my birthday and when time comes close it finely gets ruin with the plans of them coming down for the summer and what he is going to get them for their birthday sometimes to the point that my birthday gets forgotten, erased out, and canceled.

To make things worse he feels he got to spend $200 to $300 each on them and I am beginning to think he is in this mode to be the bigger and better then BM. Which does nothing but put us in a financial turmoil.


NCMilGal's picture

SD16's birthday is 3 days before mine. It's actually kinda cool, because DH's is only 2 weeks before that, so all three of us are Capricorns. Gives us something to bond over. BUT (and this is a big "but") we don't make a big fuss over birthdays or Christmas. (DH's bday IS Christmas) I think we got SD16 a baseline Kindle ($79) and some stocking stuffers - nothing for her birthday other than a card.

We're set up to SPEND SOME CASH on her this summer - she refuses to wear the clothes BM buys her Think circus colors - clown barf, as well as completely inappropriate hoochie clothes for a girl who's a size 18. SD16 prefers black and gray and navy T-shirts with long pants; she has a subdued fashion sense and MODESTY. BM won't buy her decent shoes or even hygiene items, either.

But - we get along, and it's not all Disney Dad, either. I can see why you're so frustrated.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

I've read this many times on here. It really sucks. My SO doesn't have an excuse of another birthday impeding mine. He has ditched me for skids in the past on my bday anyway.

I purposely tried to time my pregnancy, so that baby would be a summer one. Skids are both in winter.

3familiesIn1's picture

SS6s birthday is 6 days after mine. DH whines that nobody plans a party for SS6 every year. Every year I say the same thing, let me know what YOU plan. DH is a big boy, he can call the bounce place or bowling alley and plan SS6 a party.

So since there is never anything planned, when my birthday rolls out first, its a pity party as to oh poor SS6, he isn't going to have a party.

Noone to blame but yourself DH, noone to blame.

Anywho78's picture

I'm lucky enough to not share a birthday month with anyone in SO's family...the SKids Bdays are MONTHS apart from mine.

Why in carnation does he feel it necessary to spend $300 per SKid??? That's insane! SO used to do $100.00 per birthday & that was ridiculous because we simply couldn't afford it!

smdh's picture

I share my bday month with SD, too. Fortunately, dh always plans to celebrate my bday when she isn't here.