Anyone hate their job? OT
I work for an insurance company that is extrmely well known and has been in the news a lot this past year. And I have to say, I hate it. And I feel awful for saying that considering we could have all lost our jobs, and plus there are so many others out of the workforce, but at the same time...
I dunno. I think my work isn't challenging enough, and I have times during the day where I have nothing to do. It sux. Plus with all that is going on with my son and school right now I feel awful that I can't be there for him the way I would like.
This sux. Anyone else ever feel this way?
- GiGi222's blog
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Giana I'm sorry you don't
Giana I'm sorry you don't like your job very much right now! I think everyone has something they wish they could do, only some are lucky enough and smart enough to go after it.
Me, I have a office job. I work for great people, they are wonderful. I'm the office manager.....anyone that comes in is my employee, so I'm the boss. Finally, I've worked hard for years to finally get this type of position. BUT.......when I met DH it was working for the county jail! Belive it or not......those of you on my face book understand why I'm saying this....I used to be a corrections officer. I LOVED that job. Since he's the captain and all, I had to quit. His position was clearly more important than mine and the county didn't like the idea of him being my boss, wonder why?
But since then that's all I've wanted to do. Not corrections, but somewhere in the law enforcement field. We've debated it some, he doesn't want me patrolling, understandable. But one day I know I will be guarding the court house, something like that. I can't wait until it happens. Until then, I'm stuck behind this desk.
I'm thankful to have this position, with so many losing their jobs I'm not about to say I'm not thankful to have any job right now! I just can't wait until it's the one that I really want.
Every single day Giana!
Every single day Giana!
“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”
I know what you mean. I know
I know what you mean. I know this will sound boring, but I went to school for accounting. Its what I love and I am good at it,lol.
While my position is Accounting related, its just...boring here. Probably because I'm not interested in insurance, lol.
I loved my last job, but there was no room for promotion because it was a small company, and FH worked there too, and I didn't want the conflict of interest to be over my head. He has been there for 20 years, and I know he isn't quitting anytime soon, so I thought it was better if I left. I was so excited coming here, the coporate environment, being around other people my age, working in the Financial District. But then all these changes started happening, and now I'm stuck.
I just thank God that I have the ability to provide for my family and put food on the table
Maybe you mentioning it is
Maybe you mentioning it is the kick in the pants you and I need to get off our azzes and find what will make us happy? I think I'm going to start putting the resumes out about you?
I have been, but my friend
I have been, but my friend who is a recruiter says that many employers are looking for people who are unemployed so they can start immediately. But I am still going to try

Good Luck on your search and thanks SMJ
LOL, MM!!! Glad to know I am
LOL, MM!!! Glad to know I am not alone!
- I've thought about
“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”
LOL, where do you work
LOL, where do you work Crayon?
Hey Dru, I feel for you
Hey Dru,
I feel for you girl. I can't imagine how rough that would be. Puts things into perspective, for sure.
at least you have a job!
at least you have a job! there are millions of us out here who dont and cant find one, either cause there are none at all or because the ones available wont pay our bills. just be lucky you dont have to go around town and try to sell old baby stuff to get some money for food and diapers cause welfare gives us white folk barely ANY and 270 a month for food for 4 people isnt enough. try to decide whether to buy milk or juice, not both, cause if you do that then you cant buy the cheese that you need for dinner. sorry to rant but i am so sick of people bitching about ther jobs when alot of us are victims to the economies.
i have no money for christmas this year. zero. its either gifts and stuff to make cookies or our house. which we may lose anyways in january. so tell me, how bad IS your job? how much do you hate GETTING A FUCKING PAYCHECK? I DONT HAVE ANY HELP FROM NO ONE AND WELFARE IS A JOKE FOR US WHITE PEOPLE AND BM WONT PAY CS.
Ummmmm..................slow that freaking role there lady.
Just because you don't have a job doesn't mean you need to climb up that judgemental highhorse.
No one is critizing you for not having a job are they? NOOOOOOO. SO who do you think you are bitching at someone for talking to us about not liking her job? Not cool dude.
And what do you mean that
And what do you mean that "Welfare is a joke for us white people?" So it's only a joke for white people?
Racist much?
Not a cool are just out there with this mess. I can't believe this is coming from you. I wonder if someone hijacked your computer and is writing this, because it sounds nothing like you.
Racist, stupid, hurtful, what the hell?
Honey, just b/c someone has
Honey, just b/c someone has a job doesn't mean they don't struggle with the same issues. I support SIX ppl in my household, I don't get CS, I have to stretch groceries out as much as I possibly can. I barely afford my bills, but yet, I make too much to qualify for assistance. And I don't know how I'm going to afford Christmas either.
We all struggle with different things, we all have our battles we fight, and we ALL fuss about how things *could* be better, so remember that next time YOU decide to fuss about something that might hit a nerve with someone else.
“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”
MM, amen to that. DH and I
MM, amen to that. DH and I both have jobs, we make a good amount of money per year. But, we scrape by. Between the CS, the mortgage, the car payment, etc.........shoot.......good thing I'm a thrifty shopper or we'd be bankrupt by now. We make it, but we work our asses off to do it and to have the things that we have. I don't have medical insurance, I would have to pay 300 a month to get it........I just don't have that type of money laying around for insurance. So instead, the one time I did go to the DR this year ended up costing me 600, which I have to make monthly payments on. I wish I could qualify for assistance there, but what can you do ya know!
So instead, the one time I
So instead, the one time I did go to the DR this year ended up costing me 600, which I have to make monthly payments on. I wish I could qualify for assistance there, but what can you do ya know!
-----------> Ouch!! I know how that is though, always seems like you can never get ahead!
“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”
Ohh MM!! I know exactly
Ohh MM!! I know exactly what this feels like right now!! DH and I switched to a high deductible health insurance plan! We pay $550 a month for insurance, but have to pay up to a $5000 deductible. It sucks. I thought I had run out of my asthma rescue inhaler and my daily meds are all running out. I called our pharmacy plan to see what it's going to cost DH and I for our meds... I take 3 a day for asthma and he has a glaucoma eye drop.
Our insurance states that we have to order 90 days worth of meds because they are daily and chronic meds, so we cannot get them from CVS down the street. We have to do mail order.
Come to find out... mail order for our daily meds for 90 days is going to cost us between $600 - $700 every three months!! And that's on top of our $550 a month premium.
For the first time in a long time, I was trying to figure out what medication I should cut, if any, from my daily routine. I can't cut 2 of them at all... I know that.
It just sucks!!
Thanks Jen for the backup
Thanks Jen for the backup
And to the other poster I didn't say anything wrong in my post. I was just venting about my job. I even mentioned in another post how grateful I am to be able to work given the place where I work and all that we have been thru this past year.
Its just that at this present time I am just fustrated with the idea of doing something that I don't really like, just for the sake of working. But I have to, and I will continue to do so.
I'm sorry that you don't have a job at the moment, but that is no fault of mine. And BTW screaming with all Caps? NOT COOL. Thanks
ETA: Even with my paycheck it is a struggle to put food on the table. And keep the light and gas on. And pay all other bills. So yea, I know a thing or two about that.
I too have been at the
I too have been at the bottom and had to work my way up. About 6 years ago I had just seperated from ExH, no money, job, didn't finish school. Had to go to a DV Shelter. So yea, I was starting from nothing.
So I get it and yes I do count my blessings for what I have. But if I have to vent because at that moment I am pissed off about something, then I will do it.
And noone "screaming" over the internet will stop it.
Vent away Giana! That's
Vent away Giana! That's what we're here for. Sending you an E-hug.
I hate my job because I deal with customers. I love my hours though. The pay isn't much, but DH appreciates the help. I would love to get something that pays more, and have a decent resume but the economy is so bad off right now. Sooo many people are looking for jobs that we're all fighting for just a few positions. Something's gotta change soon though, because its just about time for me to start paying back my student loans. Yikes!
Thanks for the hugs Chai, I
Thanks for the hugs Chai, I have loans too!! And right now I am paying 200 a month to avoid going into default and it sucks! But, I have to do it because I don't want it to impact my credit.
Don't worry, I know something good will come up for you soon
A lot of us have had things
A lot of us have had things in our life to cause us to start over. I sure have too. I went from a great paying job to a $9/hr job when I married DH and moved. That hurt... a lot! I'm like Crayon, I am just now *almost* back to the point I was then. I've worked hard to get back to where I am now and even though I'm fortunate to have a great job again, some days I hate it and will bitch about it.
And like giana "noone SCREAMING over the internet will stop it"!!!!
lol, Yea, you tell em WSM!!!
lol, Yea, you tell em WSM!!!
I'm still curious about
I'm still curious about welfare being a joke for white people............I can't wrap my brain around that comment. Seriously, I've thought and thought and thought about it and there's no way that means anything except for non white people it's a rocking helpful assistance, but for white people it sucks. But, it's a goverment aide, I don't think Welfare is racist and picking on poor ol white folks. I think it's a pretty much straight line of who is eligable and who isn't based on income alone............I don't know what the hell being white had to do with any of this.
I still don't like that whole segment. I think her computer was hijacked. This is not at all like her. I'm floored.
Well I think there is a good
Well I think there is a good chance that was her. She has been brewing with anger and fustration for sometime now over her own situation and I guess this blog was the icing on the cake. Who knows.
Yes, Public Assistance is completely based on income and other requirements. It is definitely NOT based on race. I am assuming that wherever EBSM lives most of the people on PA are minorities. And it is like that where I live too. But EVERYWHERE else is the country, it isn't like that.
Do I take offense to that because I am a minority? Alittle. I get no type of benefit. I don't even get CS for my son. My income is "too high" to qualify for anything, yet FH and I are struggling. I have always felt bad for EBSM. Her situation regarding her SD and her BF is just awful. And I could easily go to her blogs and berate her and scream at her choosing to stay though the situation is clearly not healthy for her or her BD. But I choose to keep it to myself, as that is a lesson that is only self-taught.
Don't feel bad, Jen. Unfortunately many people still have racist views and make blanket statements. Its nothing new. We just have to chose to ignore it
Giana, you are right. I
Giana, you are right. I guess I was waiting for the clouds to open up and figure something out, figure out it wasn't meant that way or something. But it clearly was.........and it's just nasty IMO. But we can't change the world, but we can pick who is in ours!
I work full-time in a state
I work full-time in a state job that recently notified me I have to drive two hours to get to my new place and on top of that we have eight people in our home only two of us work and neither Dh or me get child support for our minor children.... I feel each persons pain. This year we told the kids that Christmas will be in July LOL... not really but we do celebrate it on January 1. You get better sales and you can see what they ahve already gotten and what they still need/want.
--I am so unbelievably sick of your imperious bullsh!t. I never said I was June-f*cking-Clever...
Wow Giana! What a post!
Wow Giana! What a post! Very eye opening! I was going to write the opposite - I love my job, but the travel is extensive, and due to issues with BM - either DH or I have to stay home. So currently, DH is traveling and I am home. We made that decision TOGETHER. I felt that if DH had to stay home, BM "wins" again - he has to sacrifice a career he loves AND I would end up supporting BM's portion of our life. So DH is working and I am home. We have taken a financial hit for this decision though.
I miss my job very much and sometimes feel like a true "caged bird"! My worst day on that job made me happier than my best day on other jobs.
I'm hoping to get a job locally in my field so I'm praying right now!!!
But then I read the post about someone that doesn't have a job... And I remembered to be thankful. Yes we are lucky. We are taking a financial hit.. but we are lucky. We can afford food and our rent. And it pains me to think about others who are not as fortunate. I remember changing careers at one time... having $0 in my Bank Account and knowing that rent was due, and just feeling that horrible despair. It was an awful time. I had to borrow money from family to get by. I was lucky because I didn't have children. So if I didn't eat... whatever, forced diet! I didn't care. But having to decide between eating and buying Christmas presents was hard. (EBSM I'm sorry - I remember walking thru the mall holding back tears.)
So thanks for the eye-opener. If you have a job that you love... I am happy for you! If you have a job that you hate... I hope someday you find something you truly love to do. And if you don't have a job at all... my thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless!
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Stick, thanks for your post.
thanks for your post. I think there is no right/wrong here. Its all about perception.
I have never had the pleasure of being a stay at home mom. And right now my son is going through so much at school that I want to be there for him. We get about 2 and 1/2 hours of time together in the evening and most of it is eaten up by cooking, homework, downtime etc.
I think a lot of my fustration comes from working my tail off and then not being able to enjoy one red cent because all of it has to go to bills/expenses.
Plus instead of hiring new people they are moving current employees around. So I am starting a new position. And I hate training! Not knowing what to do, always having to ask where to go next, its so fustrating! But if I don't do it, there is no way we can all survive on FH's salary alone. It just isn't possible.
It looks like we all have to make sacrifices, there are just different ones. I am glad that things are working out for you and your family the way the are. And hopefully once the economy gets better things will work out better on our end too.
I was just fustrated, and annoyed and needed to vent. Thanks for listening
Thanks Gianna! Yes, so much
Thanks Gianna! Yes, so much of our situations and days are all about perception, aren't they?
Do you think your job has any opportunities to let people do satellite work from home? I think insurance companies are one of those industries that allow some employees to work from home a few days a week. I don't know if it's available to you, or if you could even check it out... but it's worth a shot! Also, I don't know what you do for the insurance company, but if it's customer service, etc... you may want to try looking in that field but work at home opportunities. You might be surprised at what is available to you. A lot of times we just don't know where to look.
I completely understand what you are saying about working and then getting home. I am afraid that when I get a job, I will be doing exactly what you are talking about. I'm pretty sure I will not be good at that... but I will have to try. I cannot continue to stay home.
Best of luck to you too! In my happy optimistic thoughts... maybe you will love this new position! Sure, training can suck... but maybe you'll like the job itself? Or... if you do this and continue to do "what helps the company" then maybe you can try to get that work at home position.
((( Hugs ))) honey.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
I hate my job very much..I
I hate my job very much..I work 5 1/2 days a week, I sit all day long. I want to be able to be at home with my girls, especially my oldest, she was diagnosed with high function autism, obsessive compulsive disorder, and she also has seizures and adhd. Dh and I have agreed that I can open a daycare so that I am able to be at home to monitor her better. We are remodeling our house and I hope to be able to start by the end of the school year. I can't wait.
...the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it. - The Lion King