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caught in the middle

gimmieabreak's picture

Ok so I am new here.. I am bm of one 8 yr old from previous relationship. SM to two children ages 12 and 13, and one more on the way. Take note my SO and his ex wife have been divorced for about 10 yrs. We dated 2 yrs and then moved in together. After a year of living together we have a baby on the way. These kids have had plenty of time to adjust. My son is not perfect but I also know that spoiling him beyond repair will not help him at any point in life. These stepkids are a night mare and I so wish I could say other wise. I love them!! but there is just always so much drama going on between there breakdowns and there mothers.

We have them every other week. I once enjoyed these times in the begining. Me and SD were really close. Seems like as soon as her mother realized this things turned around. She started making little comments like "this is only for my mom and me to do" or "I need to call my mom" I say ok you can but whats up. "I cant tell you its only for mothers and daughters" she says. This was a sudden attitude. Now I am not trying to be her mother. As a mother myself I understand that role is not one for someone else to take on unless of course one is absent in childs life. But what am I suppose to do? She is at my house for a whole week at a time I felt like our relationship was healthy. She knew who her mother was. I just wanted to have some sort of relationship with her. I realized that her mother wasn't going to have that. She tries to win them over by buying them things or telling them how bad of a father their dad is. There dad had custody of them for 6 mons while Exwife was in rehab, and for the first 6 months I lived with him including summer days I had the kids full time. There mom was seeing her married boss at the time and paid the kids no attention. Always calling claiming she has to work late on her week to have them. (yes even on her weeks i picked them up from school and kept them till 7:30 that is if she picked them up at all) We knew better than that bull shit cause for a woman that has only held a job one year in her 34 yrs of life sure is pulling a lot of overtime. Turned up pregnant by her married boss man and right now the baby has my SO's last name cause the bitch kept it after the divorce. My SO's family is pretty wealthy, But there wealth has nothing to do with my finances, I am strapped all the time. Groceries for a house of 5 isn't cheap. We don't take things from his parents. ITS A PRIDE THING! (or a grownup thing) either or....... But she ask for help from them all the time. Before I came along they were her own little personal piggy bank. Her car tore up and she drove my guys dads truck for a week. AAHHHH ummmmmm...... her own dad pays half her rent and lights every month. These kids get any damn thing they ask for!!!!! I come from a pretty poor family. I always dressed nice and was raised well but I knew the difference between wants and needs. Now of course I want better for my own child but damn he don't need 5 north face jackets like 4 pair of ugg boots every color of ds that they make. I could go on and on! on the other hand my son wears columbia fleeces, I love old navy so old navy and nikes. HEY NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT! hell of a lot better that what I had. This woman has lived in the same house for 2 yrs now and still doesnt' have furniture. Because she spends all her money on clothes. ALWAYS DECKED OUT!! what what!! lol and her nice little car! shes a pimp! lol It's all about appearances with her. She talks about me and people tell me about it and I am just fed up with it. THis little girl and her special order lunches is about to have herself a rude awakening. LOOKS LIKE A SANDWICH for you little miss!! just like the rest of the kids in your schoool. I am over it. I care more about me that i do her or them anymore. Careing about them and exwife has driven me insane. I will do what I have to do from here on out and not one thing more! done!