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taking advantage of!

glam-mom's picture

i was told to watch his kids the first day of my boyfriends job, and i did and all went fine... the first time... the second time... the third time... why cant i say i dont want to do it every time o wait ... i do but the stupid bm wont find alternative solution for my woorking boyfriend its not my responsibility to do it every time!


glam-mom's picture

i have the last 2 times i even said that id do it every other time but she never takes off her work and then its well ill just leave em home alone and in that case my boyfriend says either hes gonna have to take off work so he can watch them or if i could pleassseee watch them which i cave and end up doing anyways... its rediculous... i try putting my foot down i do but it doesnt work

glam-mom's picture

hes not taking advantage of me... in this certain scenario ... weve actually been going to counseling once a week working on our problems and it has been helping!

sixteensmom's picture

Do they live with you or bm? If bm, don't be home when she brings them. If you, get up and leave before bf goes to work. Either way it's not your responsibility. You probably have your own job to go to, right?

glam-mom's picture

so am i suppose to just let him miss work just so i can get my way? the bm doesnt care she throws a fit bad mouthing everyone and always get her way she doesnt care about nothing!!! she wont stop weve done everything! im not a babysitter im helping my bf provide for his family by watching his children so he can go to work....

glam-mom's picture

she would never ... i guess she thinks its my job and responsibility to do it for bf which i understand but i think every other time is a good idea and i think at least a thank u would be nice... wanna know a secret, i have never once had a conversation with her... she kinda freaks me out, shes suppose to be rough and tough, so ive heard...

sixteensmom's picture

Get your way now or forever hold your peace. Jk but u really have to realize either u r the gf or the babysitter.

glam-mom's picture

well she brings them over every weekend at 4pm on friday before she goes to work and i said no the last time well my bf told her i had plans and shed have to find somewhere for them to go and gave her a good weeks notice and , nope, nada, nothin...before he even took this job he told her about it and everything seemed fine but she thinks its my responsibility to help with them when bf or her cant afford to or to do things with them when she cant or pick them up or take them places when shes to fricken lazy to get her fat ass off the couch to do it her self. bc im with my bf its my responsibility too which it isnt!!!! bf is upset with her but doesnt know how to handle it hes done everything but call cps and thats something he doesnt wanna do which is understandable

purpledaisies's picture

Glam I am reading your posts and I have the feeling you are just doing it even though you don't want to but you feel you HAVE to. Plus with every solution you are given there is a reason why you can't do it. If it were me I'd say no and not be home period. what would your bf do if you weren't there? Bf would deal with it. He has to work so he would have to find a way to tell bm he can;t do it since he is at work to give her CS. If you don't want to do it it really is that simple don't do it! Make if very clear you will not do it and then not be home at the time she/he would drop them off. no need to argue just do it.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I have a solution to this problem that has worked well for me, and may or may not work for you. I also work from home.

BM dropped by a couple of times after calling or texting during my work time (when I only answer calls from the school or my spouses' cell phones). I had ignored her calls. It was her parenting time, so she wasn't calling for SD and if it were an emergency she would have called DH. So she drops in with SD at the door wanting to go do something that she couldn't take SD to do.

I answered the door and opened it just enough to stick my face out.

Short tone "Hey BM, what's up?" Tap foot impatiently.

BM "Well, I have the afternoon off and it's a beautiful day, so I was going to get together with my BF and blah blah blah but we're having a rocky patch and he only wants to see me when I don't have the kids, and i knew you were home so-"

Me, even shorter tone, wipe hair out of my face, look as annoyed as possible "Wow, sounds like fun. Wish I had the afternoon off but I'm actually right in the middle of a Bichon clip right now, so while I'd love to hear the rest of this, I've go to get back to work. See ya on Friday when we pick up SD!" Slam door, go back to whatever I was doing, whether I was working or not.

Or, don't answer the door, and call her back later with "Hey, sorry I missed your call. I set aside 11am to 4pm to work, and I don't take any non emergency calls. What did you want?"

I can't/won't watch a little person that isn't mine while I'm working. Or if I just flat don't feel like it. Especially on short notice and when it's assumed that I HAVE to because I'm home and she isn't. The whole entitlement attitude boils my blood.

lostlisa's picture

I babysat for my sd's kid for a couple months, started resenting it, didn't get paid. Told them they would have to find someone else, gave them enough time and stopped. Yes, as usual I was the bitch. They got made and probably never got over it. I did though. In these cases you have to take care of yourself first, because being a sm your only as good as your next "yes"