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Anyone gone to court in Arizona

heartnsoule's picture

Has anyone here gone to court in AZ? We are taking BM back to court for modified parenting time of 50/50, they did their mediation last week, and were unable to agree to most things...They did agree on a few holidays but that was all. Funny how things changed when I came into the picture after the divorce...the lets get a long and figure it out for the kids flew out the window.
Just Curious if anyone has any advice. She has an attorney and we do not, my husband says we have nothing to hide and no reason to get one. I disagree. Any help would be great.
Thank you


what-was-I-thinking's picture

If you can afford an attorney, get one!! My DH got jacked by the courts in AZ. The courts requested my DH bring 4 copies of all his documents (I spent $40 getting all the copies). When he got there, they refused to take any of them!! They also just took her word that she was paying daycare, which she wasnt cause her 8yo daughter would watch my skid. They also took her word that she was only working a min wage job part time. He eventually went back to get it modified, where they jacked him again! AZ allows the NCP 2 out of every 3 years to claim the kid on their tax return, the mediatior told my DH that he couldnt have that & the dumb beatch BM got it.

heartnsoule's picture

Thanks for everyones advice. I agree but can not make husband go get an attorney. We should have conflict resolution conf. soon and we agreed to see how that goes and if it does not go well to get an attorney. I was hoping that someone had gone to court in Maricopa county. We went and sat in the judges court room that we will have and he seemed very fair and reasonable so that make me feel a little better.

heartnsoule's picture

we did do a consult with two...My DH almost fainted when he found out how much it would cost. So we will see what happens....Will keep you posted.

jojo68's picture

I got my divorce in AZ...I tried to do it without an attorney and it was very bad...I never knew when the court dates were and what I was supposed to took so much longer if I had had an attorney which I had to hire at the end anyway. One thing about AZ is that they really seem to be focused on what is in the best interest of the child so hopefully things will go your way.