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Super Foul Mood

HeatherM's picture

I'm probably just in a really bad mood as my two year old had me up every two hours last night... but today marks the first day of skid week..and that makes me even more annoyed... I cannot wait for his week of drama, pee, crusty underwear, stealing, lying, and over eating... not to mention his mouthiness that is 100% acceptable in our house.. not to mention that I have to lock all the cabinets, and can't put presents under the tree in case he steals food or gifts... I was wrapping gifts yesterday, and as sad as this is..I noticed I'm so very excited when I'm wrapping my Bkids gifts, or gifts from my DH, but when I'm wrapping SKid gifts I vent and vent and feel no joy at all... he probably will lose half of what we bought him..and his only interest is in lego and tv...oh and food... I know I should just be happy.. I should really just try AGAIN to be this kids support system..but I'm tired of it. I'm so tired of watching DH call him his 'cutsy wootsy buddy wudddy'... so tired of watching him think that back talk and sass is cute... that overeating is just because he wants to be like Dad...that all discipline should now be handled by the councellor and not the parents! ahahhh I just feel like screaming... and for no reason... wondering if I can't beg to work late or something! Wink


ThatGirl's picture

I'm sort of feeling the same way. SS13 comes home tonight at 7. Then we finally get to decorate the tree. We picked it up Friday night and put on the lights, but the rest has to wait for him to help. I'm dreading it. He'll always manages to break a few, he does a crappy job of putting them on and I usually move them after he's gone.