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Disengaging lesson. When SO has to deal with SD16

Helena.Handbasket's picture


SO phones me at work. Lets do xxx for dinner tonight. Me, ok sure. I'll stop at the store. Him, I'll go on my way home from picking up kids from their outing. Me, ok great. I'll help you cook when I get home. Both of us: sounds good.

Get home: me straighten kitchen, prep cookware. SO and skids home from grocery store. SD16 "Daaaaad I'll help you cook".

Me, getting the hell out of dodge. I just go to the bedroom and do some work.

A bit later, I go downstairs and what do I find? No SD, SO cooking all by his lonesome Smile SO, Honey where did you go? Me, oh I had some work to do and SD said she was going to help you cook so I went upstairs. SO, oh ok. Me, do you want some help? SO, sure!

I had given him long enough to work alone at the dinner. I did some simple chopping and left the rest to him.

SD16 downstairs watching tv with SS. Here comes SD16 "daaaad is it ready yet?" SO no. SD I'm hungry.

2nd time she comes back upstairs, same thing.

3rd time: she gets a plate starts to serve herself. SO: Its NOT ready YET, what are you doing?
SD: I'm hungry. I've been waiting a while (insert tone of annoyance that jabba has to wait to eat).
SO: Then make a f-king pizza.

Me: Biggrin

I may get annoyed at the cutesy stuff she does and when he falls for it, but more and more he deals with this crap. Its great to watch.


DaizyDuke's picture

Miracle of miracles.. DH told me that he actually scolded SD the other day about basically being a scumbag in her room. He said he was in there and there were gum wrappers all over her floor and wrappers (from God knows what) and shit stuffed down on the other side of her bed. He said he told her that this was not BM's trailer and that we don't live like that and that she needs to knock it off. I actually questioned whether he actually did this or not, but he swears he did and that SS13 witnessed it so I guess miracles DO happen!

It must just take them longer to get annoyed by this stupid shit than it does us. Frankly I was annoyed the second she walked through the door.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Yes, this is key. It takes them a lot longer plus add time for not feeling too guilty to say something.

All SO has been talking about lately is how different SD is from us (me him and SS) and how much better behaved, appreciative and considerate SS is than SD.

Even heard "SS13 is way more respectful than SD was at his age" this weekend. :jawdrop:

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Yes, I think she was coming up for dad attention once she realized I came back down and helped.

I ignored her, he got annoyed Smile