How many of us have...
An SO or husband with bad credit? Mine is decent about paying things that are in my name. I just hate having everything in my name. Not to mention he has the better salary so we could be eligible for higher mortgage if he just got his shit fixed.
- Helena.Handbasket's blog
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DH blames BM for his bad
DH blames BM for his bad credit, after 8 years together, it is not all her fault.
Everything is in my name as I had to establish myself after my divorce. It must be nice to have found such a responsible woman to get with, he never had that in his life before me.
^^^same here^^^ My FDH was
^^^same here^^^
My FDH was always with white trash, lazy, gold digging, pos "women" before me...and now he is marrying a REAL woman who has her shit together, pays her own bills, takes care of her own kid, and has excellent credit!
BM is white trash, lazy, gold
BM is white trash, lazy, gold digging, and a big ol POS little girl!! You'd think that she would find a man with a steady income when she goes out to find her next victim. I often thought that she needed to find an over the road trucker that worked a lot, was away from home a lot and sent his paycheck to her. Guess they just don't find her attractive (physically and baggage wise). }:)
Tasha you go girl! Lol cyber
Tasha you go girl! Lol cyber high five. Me and you are one of the same I have my shit together unlike Bm1 and 2 I take care of my responsibilities and not mooch off of others.
Mine too- FDH claims its from
Mine too- FDH claims its from the divorce. I believe him but it's because he let EVERYTHING go. Had he been on his shit it wouldn't have went down like that. We haven't purchased anything together and he has a home and cars in his name but he's not as financially responsible as I am. I will be taking over finances but not until he gets all his shit wiped clean and on track
My FDH had to file bankruptcy
My FDH had to file bankruptcy during his divorce from BM because she TRASHED, and I mean trashed their beautiful home (He had great credit before her of course) that was back in 09/10 and now that we are getting married this week and just closed on a house last week I have and am going to continue to put everything in my name. Not just because I have excellent credit but also because I want to protect everything from BMs clutches!
Yes EVERYTHING is in my name.
Yes EVERYTHING is in my name. He makes a shitload more than me, but we live in a pretty small house cause they only based it off my income. He has horrible credit and mine is perfect. I don't know what's so hard about it!!!
Everything was in my name
Everything was in my name when I was with the ex because his credit was shit. He claimed it was because of his 3 other divorces, he could never recover. Well, I slowly found out the truth! He just didn't care to pay his bills on time! He ruined my credit right along with his and is now working on victim #5's good name as we speak.
So, unfortunately, DH has to have everything in his name. He's VERY anal about paying shit EARLY, and we have no issues whatsoever. It's nice not to have to worry about getting shut off or eviction notices!
DH's credit is on the low
DH's credit is on the low side. everything's in my name, as i had both house, bills, and car before we met. But Dumbass trashed his credit.
no, that's not the 'cheap excuse' either
my husband's credit report shows bad accounts from department stores and home shopping networks from after they split. nope, he didnt open them, he's a "manly man" and despises shopping. nor did he open them jointly w/ her, since they were from after they split.
with my help, his credit's improving. BUT to this VERY DAY, we have credit offers come to the house with both her name and his name on it - hisnamehername followed by last name, as in Stevelinda Smith- yes she's used his name and social so many freaking times all 3 credit bureaus have it screwed up... *sigh*
Yup. Every thing in my name,
Yup. Every thing in my name, including credit cards for joint debt and mortgage. As long as I am willing to manage the money and do a budget and tell him what he can and can't spend, we are fine. If something were to happen to him though and I lost his income, I'd be in bad shape. We've priced life insurance for him but, funny, there is always something else to spend the money on, and that is my fault as much as his.
I don't really mind managing the finances but I DO mind him acting like an irresponsible child when it comes to money. I am not his mother and I resent the hell out of being put in that position.
Oh yes. We don't even file
Oh yes. We don't even file taxes together, because I don't want to be anywhere near his credit. And it is entirely of his own making.
One of the most annoying things about DH is that where finances are concerned he seems to genuinely think that debts will just go away. *facepalm*
His parents filed for bankrupcy last year, his first wife stayed entry-level for 10 years and BM is in debt up to her eyeballs and still buying shit.
SO, I have been embroiled in the tenuous process about re-educating him. And oh my, is it a process.