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frustrated again

HennyPen's picture

So, in January I bought tickets to see a concert that DH wanted to see for May 1st. Today he tells me he has to look for a babysitter for that night since it's his weekend. I told him we didn't have to do that, I would get my mom to watch my DS and his parents would keep his DD. He says, well what about SSD. I use SSD since it's his step daughter from his first marriage that he continues to take out of obligation and "it's easier than arguing with BM" even though it's not his BD. His parents don't want to take her and she doesn't even know my mother. I said that he should just tell BM that she'll have to keep her that weekend, since it's HER daughter anyway. WE shouldn't have to pay for a babysitter for her daughter just because her real dad is a loser and her other grandparents aren't involved either. I just get SO mad being tied down because of this constant drama of a SD that isn't even his kid. Vacations, trips all of it, it's always a problem, half the time we end up cancelling because of her. I am just irritated and frustrated. I just told him forget it, if it's going to be that much trouble I don't even want to go.


Snowflake's picture

I know exactly what you mean!!!

DH's littelson most likely isn't even his kid, and yet he takes him every single week. It just isn't fair to my biodaughter and to olderson. :O

Why is it that these guys feel an obligation to take care of kids from these whores!!!

Sorry I just needed to vent today!!!

Last-Wife's picture

Hell no, don't cancel. I commend the fact that he will support the child, even if it's not his. But he should not be tied to every moment of that child's life. Bio-mom should see that as a bonus for her, but not take advantage.

If he really feels he needs to spend time with the child that weekend, after you have paid out the expense, that is his decision. You should still get to go and enjoy the event. Take a friend you don't always have time for!

Enjoy it, don't lock yourself in, frustrated because you had to change your plans.

"I HAD to pick the road less traveled..."

HennyPen's picture

I've calmed down a little and I know I want to go, but I wanted it to be with him. We have every intention of taking the kids for the remainder of the weekend as planned, but I feel like the the BM takes advantage of us all the time as free babysitting, and for her to have a free weekend we have to pay for babysitting for her! that's just backwards! And I get angry with him for not putting his foot down and just saying no. He wants to keep the peace but at what expense? mine..and his both financially and emotionally with us arguing over it. I just want to throw a shoe at him. a stiletto, platform, knee high boot. yeah, that's what I want to throw.

I have always loved the time before dawn because there is no one around to remind me who I am suppose to be, so it is easier to remember who I am." - unknown