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OT-Dear Abby on 5yr old and her Dad's new baby from another relationship

herewegoagain's picture

Here is something I found today...FYI BMs out there. Funny how BM is as usual trying to control everything....


Anon2009's picture

Dear Abby was right on and should also have stated that the bm should be glad she's not in a relationship with this guy anymore, but do promote the baby as one more person who could love her dd.

bi's picture

the bm thinks this baby is forever going to be a part of HER life? what the hell? :? my son is not a part of bm's life at all and my ex's 2 kids with 2 people that he had after i left are not a part of my life. or bd's. or even the ex's himself. this woman needs to get over herself and realize that not everything is about HER. she sounds like sd20.

ConfusedStep's picture

I agree, I was wondering what she meant by this new baby affecting her (BM's) life. Unless she means money - he has more responsibilities so it's unlikely she'll get more money in the future?

Disneyfan's picture

If what dad says about the baby's mother is true, he may not stick around. If he walks away, Mandy may never know the little boy.

myspoonistoobig's picture

Sounds like BM needs to chill out and embrace our own adage. "Not my kid, NOT my problem."