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OT-Every Single Girl's Guide to Her Future Husband's Last Divorce ***REVIEW*** awesome!

herewegoagain's picture

If there is a book that ALL of us need, it is this one! It is a very easy read and it truly explains so much that we had no idea about. Although of course, she is the bearer of bad news, the author explains things very well and makes the book actually a bit "fun"...or as fun as this issue can be. I wish I had this book 13 years ago, but even now, there are a couple of things that I learned. We are almost at the end of CS, so some things no longer apply, yet there were many things that still apply to us. I highly recommend this to anyone whose DH/SO pays CS, alimony, etc...There is a section about dealing with the ex, which I think she makes a good point, although even she admits that it doesn't always work. But for the most part, this is definitely information that everyone here should have.

I purchased it just a couple of days ago and read it very quickly because I just could not put it down.

Here is the link