OT-in memory of Lulu, donate to help abused animals
I wish we could have been there for Lulu...I am so very sorry your beautiful life came to an end. I hope that you know how much we care, by making donations to protect abused animals around the country.
May you RIP...
I just donated here in memory of Lulu...use this site or any other to help our best friends.
Thank you.
- herewegoagain's blog
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Done. Poor Crew.
Done. Poor Crew.
I donate monthly. Here, the
I donate monthly. Here, the Villalobos Rescue Center is a good one, too.
If my DH knew how much I donated monthly to animals, he'd...well... nevermind. 
Posters, if there is ANY way you can sign up for a monthly donation, please do so. Even if it's just $5 on payday, you won't miss it and you'll be helping animals. PLEASE consider it.
I keep crying reading Crew's blog.
beautiful gesture flabby!
beautiful gesture flabby!
Great idea for new pics! In
Great idea for new pics!
In memory of Lulu! I will donate also.
Excellent idea about the pics
Excellent idea about the pics and wonderful gesture about donating in her name. I'm heading to the website you posted now.
Thanks for the idea. I just
Thanks for the idea. I just made a donation in memory of Lulu as well. My thoughts are with Crew and her kids as they deal with losing their dear little pup.
What a beautiful dog!! Here's
What a beautiful dog!!
Here's my boy>>>>>
Here is my girl, Josie - she
Here is my girl, Josie - she is a basset ---
What a cutie! Beagle? I am
What a cutie! Beagle? I am bad with dog breeds...
The dog pictures are so much
The dog pictures are so much better than all of those damn ugly monkeys!! LOL
Donated as well. I hope both
Donated as well. I hope both you and Lulu get the peace you need.
Done!! I have a little corgi
Done!! I have a little corgi and I'd me lost without her.
Done. Switched to my 3
Done. Switched to my 3 babies. Wish I had a pic of my poor old boy Cassius. First dog we ever had, I was devastated when he died.
done. meet my roxi roo in
done. meet my roxi roo in honor of crew's lulu --------------->
Done... And here is my lil'
Done... And here is my lil' Bear ---------------->
In honor of Lulu and Crew, I
In honor of Lulu and Crew, I updated my avatar to my girl Mabel. She was my best friend for 18 years.
Oh Lulu - please say hey to my various friends that are chasing birds and butterflies with you right now. Mabel, Sebastian, Cappuccino, Dan, Chicken-man, Leo, Edwina, Debit, Credit, Troubles and Brutus.
Here's my fat little beagle
Here's my fat little beagle last Xmas --->
Here are my two baby puggies.
Here are my two baby puggies. I would be lost without them!!
My donation has been made in
My donation has been made in honor of your beautiful baby, Lulu.
And my new puppies (to add to
And my new puppies (to add to the other 4 we already had).
I'm donating to the collection box here at my work. It will help a local stray or needy animal.
Fare thee well, Lulu...
RIP Lulu....Here are my two
RIP Lulu....Here are my two babies...The big one has gone on last year....We have a pugador now so that Gizmo wasn't alone...
Pugador? Never heard of that
Pugador? Never heard of that one before. Does he/she look like a pug?
Poor Lulu!! It brings me to tears whenever I hear any animal has been hurt or killed. I would never be able to look at that child again!!
She is half Lab and Half pug.
She is half Lab and Half pug. She has some of the pug face, but mostly lab on a pug body. She is almost identical to Spike, the one that died, just about 80 pounds lighter...Great personality.
Wow I am trying to picture
Wow I am trying to picture this!! Sounds cute as I love my pugs more than anything in the world. Curly tail or straight?
Here's my Hank, aka Hanky,
Here's my Hank, aka Hanky, HankyPanky, Bubba, Bubs, etc. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
So awful about Lulu! I agree
So awful about Lulu! I agree that the child is on the way to being a sociopath...but where's crew? all is deleted...
Did you really just miss it
Did you really just miss it all???
Yes, but soon caught up.
Yes, but soon caught up.