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OT-You are waiting for the right time to see your parents and want ME to come? lol

herewegoagain's picture

So today talking to DH he says something about he plans to go see his parents at SOME point, but that they do not have his number, etc...I told him that they should at least have a contact for him because if something were to happen to any of them, I don't want them calling MY parent's home.

So, although he stated NOBODY had a way to contact him, he then says that his brother has his work number...So of course, as I say nothing I am thinking..."ah, once again you can't stop yourself from lying to me about something." Whatever.

Then he goes on to say that he plans to at some point visit his parents, but that WE will ALL go together, because he knows odds are that his mother will start some crap and he doesn't want to be alone with her cause he'll tell her off...I said "WE?" LOL Of course, he said then "well, if you ever wanted to see your brother I would go with you although I don't really want to..." Really DH? Ahole...Odds are that you will NOT go see my brother, heck, odds are that I won't go see him. But even if so, there is NO COMPARISON between the issues with my brother and his mother.

Let's see, I am ticked at my brother because when we moved he didn't even bother to come say goodbye even though he lived less than 2 miles away from where we were. That's really it. On the other hand, his mother has treated me like crap for the past 12 years! Everytime DH asks ME to give her another chance and she once again screws up. Never fails. Really DH? So, wait, you want to go see the idiot, but you expect ME to put up with her crap?

Oh wait, not only that...I had told him that I am not happy were we live because of a nasty neighbor that said something innappropriate to me. Well, DH CLAIMS he supports me and believes me, but IF I tell him who he is, he says he can't guarantee he won't kick his ass...which of course means, I better not tell him because if he ends up in jail for kicking the neighbor's ass, it'll be my fault and our son who will suffer. But, he also tells me that if we go to his moms and she starts some crap ONCE AGAIN, I have to keep my mouth shut and I should do it FOR HIM! lol Really? So you can't promise me that you won't kick a neighbor's behind for disrespecting YOU really, but you expect me to keep my mouth shut ONCE AGAIN if your mom starts talking crap to me again?

Then it occurred to me how absolutely selfish he is. He tries to NOT show it, but it's things like this that make it obvious how selfish he is. I have had to keep my mouth shut with ex because of his daughter or so that she doesn't make his life more miserable, but he can't do the same. Love it. You know, I think many of us saw signs...I will post those soon...we just couldn't understand how the translated into what we are dealing with today.

So, anyway, oh by the way, he also wants to TAKE MY GRANDMOTHER lol Ahole, sure, let's take my grandmother so your pathetic mother can make us ALL feel like crap. Sure.

Sorry, just had to vent.