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I think my fil is having a really hard time...

hismineandours's picture

So last week we had Facebook postings of "missing that special someone" "I miss you son". " I hope he's having a good life with his family" to this weekends confrontational voicemail " so you are just throwing ss away" to today's latest Facebook post. It's one f those little sayings about dads that you can share. Some sort of nonsense of share if you had/ have a hardworking dad who did his best no matter how bad or good you were, blah, blah- the strange thing is fil's dad died like 45 years ago and no one questions that man was a total shitbag. Hardcore alcoholic. Beat their mother, who died just days after such a beating while giving birth to fils sister. Left the kids alone for weeks and they stole food to survive. Ugly stuff- so there's No way he's talking about his father!

I can only guess he is freaking out about dh's lack of contact. Which I don't quite get as they've not really spoken since early July. It's not like this is brand new. Dh has him blocked on Facebook, I have him blocked so i don't believe he's leaving these little messages to get to dh. Not o mention it all seems totally bipolar. One minute he looooves dh, a few days later he is calling him out about ss, and then this little post? I M not even sure. Is he trying to say dh should love ss no matter how good or bad he is? Or is he saying that he was dad of the year and loved dh that way? It just seems stage to me that this 60 year old man is resorting o dramatic Facebook postings and dramatic voicemails. I mean, c'mon old man, if you've got something to say just spit it out. Say what you mean and stop the dramatics. I do find it all rather amusing


hismineandours's picture

Oops I forgot he also posted today "a daughter is just a little girl who grows p to be your best friend".

I guess he couldn't find one that says your daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be a lying, whoring, drug addicted thief!

Again, I would think he is posting these to get to dh- but dh has had him blocked for like 9 months!

Anon2009's picture

I would just not look at his fb. I get looking at ss' but but I wouldn't want to touch fil's with a ten foot pole.

cant win for losin's picture

Personally, i woulld take it with a grain of salt. I find people do alot of unconscious stuff via fb. Especially when sharing and liking things. Theey like and share things cause 200 other people did.

hismineandours's picture

I think it's hilarious. I do find it interesting to contemplate how his mind works b other than that its simply a good laugh. I know a lot of people do Facebook drama, but I don't know I just don't see a lot of 60 year old men engaging in it.

And again he has no possible way to know we are accessing it. He and everybody in his fam is blocked. I have access to that old acct of ss's, but again ss and fil don't share secrets so I can't see ss even telling him that. That Facebook acct of ss's hasn't had any activity for a year- so I can't even imagine that he would think we are accessing his acct. which my dh never gets on Facebook-so he truly never sees any of it. Sometimes I share it sometimes not.