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My ss is the nastiest creature that walks the face of the earth...

hismineandours's picture

Just venting! Got home today and there is a big turd in the toilet- he almost exclusively uses that bathroom. I asked dd10 if she had been in there and she said she hadn't used that bathroom since she got home. What is evev nastier is there was a bunch of white things in his turd. Now, I already know what that means. The kid has worms. He's had them twice before. Each time no one else in the house had then but we all had to take meds because of the contagion factor. I am guessing he's had them for a really long time- heck maybe didn't get rid of them the previous times. But I guess that explains why he's 14 and looks like hes 9.

So then I go into his room and once again look at the dog turd that's been on the floor of his room for a week. I see the 12 towels that have been mildewing in his room for weeks- the 5 pissed on blankets, the yellow mattress that is only 1 month old- yellow because he refuses to put a plastic sheet on it- but will take 2 of my nicest towels fold them up, lay on them and piss on them.

I heard dh tell him yesterday to put the plastic sheet on. I heard him tell him to pick up the dog turd. I heard him tell him to work on the laundry all evening. What does he do instead- lounges on my sofa and talks about my sons balls and testicles.

I know this may not be as nasty as houx deals with- but I think I'm in second place here


sterlingsilver's picture

Oh my, and here I thought my ss18 took the prize on being the nastiest. :sick:

How the hell do you do it? My hat comes off in respect to you.

hismineandours's picture

And I forgot that last night I sat down in the recliner- ss's shorts and underwear were sitting on the table next to my chair. All of a sudden I start Smelling urine. As if it were not gross enough for his shorts and underwear to be on my table period- he put his urinated shorts and underwear ony table. Needless to say I put those puppies on the end of a pencil and deposited the m right in the trash!

cant win for losin's picture

:jawdrop: :sick:

what does dh say about this crap? (not just the one in the toilet but the whole situation)

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Just out of umm disgust how does one get worms? Omg!!! How do you do it??? Ewww. Hes how old?????? O. M. G.

forestfairy's picture Pinworms? tiny little ones?

Dear god, what the hell? So what do you do about that? Tell the asshole SS he has worms in his ass and drag him to the doctor. DISGUSTING.

Dory's picture

OMG - revolting! I think at this point, your DH should manhandle him straight back into his room and only let him out when he has dealt with dog shit; pissed-on blankets; towels and mattress. What is wrong with this boy????

smdh's picture

That is disgusting. I don't know how you do it because if my dh didn't do something (not tell him to do and not follow up) about him, my ass would be living somewhere else. I couldn't live like that. I have serious OCD issues and I get pissed if SD doesn't put her clothes in the hamper (she has a habit of piling them on the dresser).

CrazieCoconut86's picture

OMG! How has this kid gotten worms? And several times? :sick:

DH needs to force that kid to straighten up, or DH needs to do it himself. DH needs to put that plastic sheet on and then pick up the towels and dog crap. Then DH needs to drag that boy off to the doctor and to a therapist. There is NO reason for a 14 year old to still be wetting to bed AND have worms.


hismineandours's picture

IDK-the first time he lived with us but visited bm every other weekend. The doctor said that it can be passed from hand to hand contact between people. For example, a kid with worms has an itchy butt. He scratches his butt and gets a worm or an egg on his hand. He then touches the kid next to him, or touches his food on his lunch tray. The doctor also suggested animal feces as a possible way to transmit pinworms. I know when he got it the first time he was 9. We had to call bm (because our dr. told us to) so that everyone in her family could be treated as well. However, the second time he supposedly had it-was about a year later when he was living with bm-he actually casually mentioned in conversation that his little brother got it and then he got it too. Never bothered to tell any of us. I am really, really thinking that he's had these for years. When we diagnosed him the first time-I know that he had them for months on minimum. He had actually complaind to me of "white things in his poop"-which at the times he was on a medication in capsule form and one of things on the insert said it did not always break down completely and you might find white particles of it in your feces. So for months-I'm talking maybe 6 and kept telling it was his meds. He kept complaining so I told him not to flush and show me and immediately it was apparent that there were things crawling around in there. Last night I just immediately flushed and then looked so I did not get to see if the things were actually moving. I just dont know what else it could be.

hatinthis31's picture

so sorry to hear this...get him to the doctor and then put your foot down and make Dh make some changes round there and soon!!!