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The weekly weekend review of an exasperated SM

Halo_Horns's picture

I have to admit-I premeditated the following actions: I set out to Really piss in sshit15's cherrios right off the bat! Wanna know how?
I cleaned my kitchen Saturday morning! (let that one set in..)
Yes, I SM of the weekend ruined ss15's weekend because I did "His" chores! From the mouth of large testicled/privlidged ss15: I washed the dishes because I don't appreciate all of his efforts to wash the dishes. He is tired of being treated like an outcast in the house. He wants to know why everytime I look at him it is with disgust and anger. And then he found out I cleaned the downstairs bathroom (mainly because disgusting sshits dont understand that the one woman in the house has to actually Sit on the toilet seat that they think is fun to piss paint all over). I know..keep the comments about what an abusive sm I am to a minimum please!
I am at the point that I find these childish temper tantrums over not getting to do chores comical! So I guess to make himself feel like he (sshit15) contributed to the cleaning of the household went and put all of the dvd's in alpha order. All of this before 10am!
No..wait..he is not done making a statement.
DH and I went to bed around 9pm saturday night. Evidently this is WAY to early for large testicled/privlidged ss15, so he decided to stay up all night, eat his weight in brownies and sliced cheese and fall asleep on the couch. He hid brownie tray, but left the crumbs all over the counter, and then stuffed all of the sliced cheese plastic wrappers all over the couch. When I sat on the couch I heard the plastic crinkle which then lead me to pull the cushions off of the couch and found the hoarde of wrappers. This after I had to kick him off the couch and remind him that his bed is upstairs and that this is a couch (all of this before 7am!).
Oh, we are just getting started..
DH and I escaped for an afternoon movie, we had a great time and if you like really complex, long movies go see Cloud Atlas! (of if you just need three hours out of the house away from your wonderful sshits!)
Upon our return home I opened the door to a smell that one can only compare to rotting cow flesh..Sshit15 ran past me to go grab some groceries from the car and the breeze that blew by me made me go white in the face..the rotting cow flesh smell was HIM!! When questioned about when the last time he took a shower was, he couldnt recall...It took me Hours to air out the house and a can of lysol!
The fun continued when at some point DH and I had it out when I mumbled something snarky under my breath and I think it was something about sshit15 being a large testicled/privlidged ss (shit I said that outloud! lol) and that he needs to take off his 'entitlement' crown because mine is bigger and will always trump his! I think dh was trying not to laugh when he got in between me and sshit15, but I was in a rage so I was probably just seeing things.
There were several other memorable exchanges between me and large testicled/privlidged ss15..but I am tired of thinking of him. Anyways Monday is almost over and in four days I get to see the sshits again so I better enjoy my work days.


AngeLily's picture

OMG! I'm so sorry I'm laughing at your misery, but you paint it in such a comical light Smile enjoy the next four days at least Smile

Halo_Horns's picture

Blum 3 Sad :O :sick: I have to relive it while laughing or I just might end up looking like all of the emoticons morphed into one! }:)

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

I feel your pain! My fat-assed sshit(15) ate 2 gallon sized bags of giant cookies. Like your wonderful teenager, he stuck ice cream cartons in the couch.

We just had him for 5 days and now we get 2 days off.

My small-balled H (because he is finally growing a tiny set) USED to help the kids with the chores I asked them to do, like clean their bathroom, because he felt sorry for them.

My H lets fat-ass stay up all night all weekend too! I noticed today the fatfuck took one of my expensive 5 hour energy drinks because he was tired from staying up late on a school night. Boooo freakin hoooooo.

entirely fed up's picture

I feel your pain but I do have to say that you did manage to retell this in a way that made me giggle!I personally agree friends don't let friends become step parents.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

"I opened the door to a smell that one can only compare to rotting cow flesh."

My Sshit smells like a mix of dirty feet and dirty ass with a tinge of sour milk.

Halo_Horns's picture

LMAO..I dont get how they dont smell themselves! The sshits feet smell like that ass/sour milk mix!
And I have enough Axe body spray to make a male dorm house smell good, but they dont want to use the burns their eyes..Well fuck..their body smells burn my frickn lungs and makes my eyes water!!

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

I forgot to add rotting cabbage.

My Sshit slathers on the Axe. He still smells like dirty feet, smelly ass, sour milk, rotting cabbage and Axe.