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It was nail glue

I love dogs's picture

Aka super glue that is on my laptop screen. DH talked to SD and apparently he has something that can get it off.

But guess what? I'm not even mad! This was our first conversation of the morning and DH said I was grumpy and he just wanted me to be "nice" to him. So I dropped it.

I asked him to handle it and he says he will. I rarely use the laptop so SD can have it. It was on sale for $130 a couple years ago and I need a desktop anyway. I told him it was annoying and that she should've said something but he can "fix" it. So that, ladies and gentlemen, is that.


I love dogs's picture

I was thinking anything abrasive enough to remove super glue would surely ruin a screen, so we shall see.

I allowed SD and her friend to buy some fake nails from Hot Topic. We had something to return and I had a coupon. The nails were alien designs and very cute. I put the nails on for them, in fact.

I know that SD's kept falling off for whatever reason and that her friend put them back on for her. On Tuesday when I went into SD's room, her nails were all off and on her desk. The laptop was closed. 

This had to have happened on Saturday or Sunday when the friend was over. I am just annoyed that neither DH nor I was informed AS SOON AS it happened. I have no freaking clue how it got ON THE SCREEN and STREAKED MORE THAN HALF WAY across.

I told DH that SD needs to learn to take responsibility and he said he knows and he will take care of it. Sigh.

Siemprematahari's picture

Haha, good idea- let SD have the laptop and when you purchase a new one make sure its clear that its hands off.

I love dogs's picture

I just don't understand not saying anything. We don't ground her and barely raise our voices. What bothers me is that she didn't say a word. If a mess can be made, this child will make it. She still has to be told to not wipe her hands on her shirt/ sweater!

lieutenant_dad's picture

Why does it matter if she says something or not? Like you said, you all won't ground her. You won't raise your voice. Hell, you're giving her the laptop. The consequences for telling you and not telling you is the same, and it's a lot easier to do nothing than it is to do something (thanks John Mulaney).

So, again, what does it matter if you knew or not if there are no consequences to her actions?

I love dogs's picture

Grounding her and taking the laptop away and yelling doesn't fix the screen. DH claims he can clean it. She still needs it to do homework. Does she not get to do her homework because she was careless?

JanRebecca's picture

My kids - step or not would at the very least get a stern talking too about 'taking care of things and being more careful because money doesn't grow on trees' and there would be some kind of consequences with my son - he would get more chores - etc, something to make her think twice before being so careless again.

StepMamaBear6's picture

I have to agree with JanRebecca.  Why would she do anything when she hasn't been taught that actions have consequences?  I would have her doing chores for NOT telling you about the screen AND for being careless with someone else's belongings.  Being a parent means you are supposed to TEACH these children how to be productive adults.  If you do not teach them that consequences naturallyl flow from choices, they will be miserable adults to work with and/or interact with.

lieutenant_dad's picture

Yes, maybe that is the natural consequence. What do you think happens if my SSs forget their schoolbooks on a weekend with us? Yep - they can explain to their teacher that they forgot.

At the very least take the laptop away for anything but homework. And your DH should show HER how to clean it and make HER do it. And then take away the nail glue because she is clearly not mature enough to use it properly, or at least be honest when she uses it wrong.

There is a lot of discipline that can happen between nothing and grounded for eternity.

thinkthrice's picture

teach her how to FIX it.   Youtube videos --teardown of XYZ brand of laptop, then order the part on Amazon/New Egg, etc.

thinkthrice's picture

to me.  The only REAL way to fix it is to order another LCD screen and replace the screen itself (I do it all the time at work).

Harry's picture

I would give SD. Household Chores to do. Depending on her age.  And paid her $5 to $10 a hour. Until the repair or the worth of the laptop is paided off.  Exter to what she is doing now.    Have to teach her a lesson  so she knows if she destroyers anything she is going to paid for it.  

I love dogs's picture

I agree with making SD clean or replace it herself. However, DH got kinda pissy with me telling him that he is going to take care of it and already talked to her. We shall see how this plays out in the near future.

twoviewpoints's picture

I'm surprised your SD does not have a school issued laptop for her school work. At my daughter's school, if this had been her school issued laptop, this little stunt of careless glue would cost Dad $400. No questions asked and no chance to 'repair' it himself. 

I can't help but think some of these 'little things' that you've been hit with now that SD is with you 50/50 are exactly the same d*mn things and reasons BM and SD tangle so. Just my two cents, but your DH is not showing what the better parent/role model he is vs BM when he let's these things slide. Sure, great parent, isn't going to yell, raise voice, punish blah blah. Great Dad. Great parent.  *shaking my head*

It will be interesting to see just how long this 'great Dad the better parent' last.  *sigh*

Here,have a beer, I have a feeling you'll be pulling your hair out within the next few months as this journey continues. 


You're going to need it.