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Fed up with step life today

I love dogs's picture

And it isn't even our week with SD. A few days ago she told us that there were ants in her room which was no surprise because the buggers have been attracted to the dog's food and my countertops but SD's room is on the other side of the house. Well, she has been eating in her room even though the rule is NO FOOD IN THE ROOM. Some of you may also remember that she got superglue on my laptop screen and as no surprise, DH didn't fix it like he said he would over 3 months ago!

Since my job isn't going to full-time, I signed up for an online certificate program that should be completed by spring 2019. Easy enough. I come into SD's room to use my laptop where it has been living, and there are at least a dozen ants on the desk. I should mention that the other day when I came into her room to investigate the ants, there was melted/ dried ice cream on her desk where "her friend" left it. She was made to clean it up immediately and take out her trash. This kid will live in a sty until she is instructed to clean it, not just do it like a normal person would.

Also worth mentioning, DH just scolded her for eating in her room and didn't check what crap she had left on her desk. I assume that SD spent all day Sunday ignoring the ants on her desk and just went on about her business on the laptop. I know DH should've handled this because he was told about it, but it also bothers me that the kid probably sat here for the rest of the time she was here and brushed ants off as they came. GRRRRRR!!!! I sprayed some spray I had around and so far they're gone but I told DH that he is to fix this problem as soon as he gets home and is making the damn chore chart for SD that was HIS idea months ago! 


Ispofacto's picture

My kids used to play the "my friend did it" game.  It's a great strategy because they're blaming it on someone who isn't in the house anymore, and someone I can't discipline.  So there are two possible responses:  "Your friend can't come over anymore."  or "You are responsible for what your friends do when they are here."

Secondly, I'd stop buying icecream, pudding, cake, cookies, crackers, chips, etc, until she stops eating in her room.

Lastly, everyone gets ants.  They live everywhere and are scavangers.  They send out scouts every spring / early summer to see what they can find.  They don't know it's your house.  You have to kill the scouts so they don't report the tiny bits of edible stuff they find to the rest of the colony.  I put out a piece of paper with a large drop of Terro on it into the kitchen, our bathroom, and the family room windowsill every early summer.  We don't see them the rest of the year.  But one year we had to hire a professional, because every house on the street was infested with carpenter ants.  They destroyed the threshold under our patio door and we had to replace it.  We'll have to treat every few years to keep them from coming back.

I love dogs's picture

I understand that ants can just happen but they were never a problem in her room until recently. I am bothered because DH didn't even bother to check and I know SD just brushed them off instead of saying something again. Why am I the only one in this home who gives a damn??

StepUltimate's picture

That stuff works great! 

I love dogs's picture

I did but I want a new one since my procrastinator husband never fixed the superglued screen like he told me he would months ago..