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BM: "she doesn't get naps here"

IAmALady77's picture

SD is 2 and a halfish, she will be 3 in November. When we have her she gets up in the morning around 8, nap time for an hour or two around 1 and bedtime at 9. Pretty straightforward and she does it without complaint.

SO went to pick SD up from BM at 3 yesterday.

BM: I didn't feed her lunch because you said you were coming at 2. (He said he was running errands in her town at 2 and he would text her when he was done)

Ok, first of all, universal lunch time is noon or one at the latest. Am I the only one that follows this scehdule?? I understand that ADULTS and older children eat whenever or at later times but lunch at 3pm really? You should have fed your daughter 3 hours ago!

SO:Did she have her nap already?

BM: (laughing in a condescending manner) she doesn't get naps here. really?

REALLY? BM lets her sleep until eleven or later whenever BM wants to get her lazy butt out of bed and then lets her stay up until 10 or eleven at night!

I just hate how she says these things to him trying to make him feel stupid like hes not parenting correctly when she is a damn idiot. No BM, children need their sleep and need to be on a proper schedule.

I put SD down for a quick nap after she had a small lunch yesterday and she fell right asleep! She was exhausted! Then we got up and did our evening things, ate dinner and she was in bed by 9! Once again went right to sleep!

Thank you everyone for convincing me to stay away from this volatile girl but lord if I could just give her a peice of my mind.


stepmama2one's picture

My daughter doesnt get naps though I wish she would lie down and take one. She just doesnt like to take naps. If she would go down for a nap then I would have her take one. I feel children that age SHOULD take naps because it cuts down on the crankiness and being too tired for sleep at night... Thats kind of stupid BM doesnt feed her child at lunch time because she thinks your DH is coming. Okay?? What?? Does she just think because your DH is getting her that she doesnt need to feed her? Thats pretty much saying she is going to throw the responsibility of her daughter eating on your husband. Thats just being lazy...

IAmALady77's picture

How old is your daughter? I understand some kids do fine without naps but SDs schedule at BMs and her schedule at our house are so different. It just irritatees me because BM is playing moty like she knows so much but then she wants to call and freak out on SO because she can't handle her own daughter. You can't handle her because you aren't doing your job. Just frusterating.

stepmama2one's picture

My daughter is 4. Im not saying she has never taken a nap, she just doesnt usually. She usually only takes naps if she has a rough night due to sickness. I understand how hard it can be with getting the child to get on a set schedule when there are so many differences between households. My sd lives with us full time. She goes to bed on a school night at 9:00 p.m. and wakes up at 6:15 a.m. On weekends when she is with us she will usually go to bed about 10:00 p.m. and wake up about 8:00 a.m. ALL the time. When she is with her mom she will go to bed anywhere between 10:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. on weekends and not wake up until almost noon, even if she goes to bed at 10:00 p.m. Big reason for that is because her mom sleeps in so late and she just does it too. At our house I ALWAYS wake up at 6:30 a.m. so when she hears me moving around she like to get up too. When she used to live with her mom her mom would be all messed up on pills and sleepy so she would make the kids go to bed at 7:00 p.m. on weekdays and not wake them up in the morning. The last school year sd lived her mom she had 35 absences and 40 tardies, some of which she didnt show up until around 11:00 a.m. When she WOULD wake up in the morning for school, she would wake up and only have 10 mins to eat, get dressed and get ready for school...Her mom figured because they lived right across the street from the school that SD didnt necessarily need to be AWAKE to go to school.

12yrstepmonster's picture

My girls did not nap- dd19 slept for 25-20 min as a baby, by 2 she was over the sleeping during the day.

When dd12 was made to take maps during the day she was up all night long. Take the maps away, she slept.

Sounds like if the kid is getting up at 10 she would be eating lunch ay 3 sooner at 7 or 8pm.

Not sure why you would do that to your child but some people do.

Routine is much better!

SMof2Girls's picture

Both of my SDs take naps, or at least have "quiet" time when they're at our home. The youngest (4) takes naps at day care still, but the older one 6 does not. During weekdays they don't nap at home afterschool, but they both do on weekends.

BM tells us the same thing. They don't take naps at her house. Okay. Fine. But they do at our house. If SD6 isn't tired, she is still required to find a quiet activity (reading, etc) to do for at least one hour a day. 90% of the time, she falls asleep almost immediately.

LemonGrassLove's picture

Both my kids take naps. It just depends on the child. But if she naps like a pro with you, she probably would at BM's too if BM bothered to try. BM is just being a lazy a**.