Irritated. Need help getting through my own "logic" please
SD is 2 1/2 and yes I still love her. But I do not like her lately. I don't know if it is because of all the horror stories I've read on here, or I'm just getting fed up with the brat phase she is going through or what but I can not stand her whining for one more second.
Well, I get up this morning with her (already irritated because SO would not wake up) and I go to change her diaper and she is SOAKED through EVERYTHING. I feel like my OWN blood childs bodily fluids would gross me out but this child is not my blood and I was gagging over the smell of piss. So I got her out of her wet PJs and stuck eveything in the wash...extra annoyed because I just washed all her bedding. awesome. SO is still in bed.
I come upstairs to grab SD and put her in the tub (she is COVERED in PISS) and I find her in my ROOM in my BED cuddling with SO, who is conviently now awake and having a tickle cuddle session.
So I irrationally snap at him that that is OUR space and SD does not need to be in our bed, not too mention now I have to wash OUR bedding too because she just got piss all over which he replies:
You let your nasty dog on the bed and SHE is always covered in SHIT and PISS too!
To which I had no response other than, no, my dog does not roll around in her own piss and shit...she is a clean dog and that is totally different.
SO told me to "go somewhere" because I am obviously pissed off for "god knows why".
Well yes, I am pissed off. I'm not entirely sure why other than I now have a ton of laundry to do...AGAIN and SD was in my bed covered in piss and SO gets to have fun tickle time instead of doing all the bullshit parenting stuff that I get stuck with, and SD was in my bed that I just fornicated in last night and that is gross.
Someone talk me through this please.
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I just don't want her on my
I just don't want her on my bed because one she is not MINE and two I've read what can happen when you let the skids take over your personal space ON HERE. That is my space you know and I don't want her in the bed for other reasons too such as BM is a CRAZY and who knows what kind of lewd disgusting accusations she'll come up with next??!
I would never accuse SO of molesting my DOG. Just saying.
Sorry I was on a venting
Sorry I was on a venting streak
But yes, now that you mention it comparing SD to a dog is strange lol
Make him take care of his own
Make him take care of his own kid!!
And I am sorry...but a dog in the bed is almost worse than a skid. lol
She's following him around
She's following him around the house screaming daddy look at me! while she smears nutella on everything she passes. excellent.
Oh dear Lord... OK, BS2.5
Oh dear Lord... OK, BS2.5 would NEVER do this! Your SO better get a handle on her before she gets too far gone and you have a monster 6 year old on your hands!
Ugh, I have BS2.5 and while
Ugh, I have BS2.5 and while most of the time he is a great little boy, he definitely has terrible two moments when I want to strangle him (not literaly of course!) I can not even imagine having to care for/put up with a little one who was not mine.
Now on to your morning. BS2.5 has had the same thing happen from time to time as far as soaking through his diaper, of course it doesn't really bother me, because he is mine, I actually get enjoyment out of "taking care of him" whether it means extra laundry, extra icky diapers whatever. But I do NOT get enjoyment out of doing SD14 laundry, picking up shit that she has left around the house etc and here is the difference in our stories... I.DON'T.DO.IT. and DH knows it. I made it crystal clear that I am not the maid and that if SD was going to be living with us HE would be the maid/taxi/money tree.
I mean how convenient for your SO not to wake up when SD does?? How convenient for your SO to let YOU do the laundry?? Don't enable him. Give an inch and they'll take a mile.. as you've already figured out! Best to nip it now!
I'm not trying to alianate
I'm not trying to alianate her she is just annoying me today and I was being tired and cranky. I guess those blinders are starting to inch off my face eh?
You guys are right, I just need to explain why I don't want her in the bed and I won't let the dog in there anymore either..even though shes hardly ever in there anyway he just brought that up to be a butthole lol
He just gave her a sucker.
He just gave her a sucker. She ate it and wants another one. She is demanding that he get up and get her another one. "no sweetie, there aren't anymore suckers" "GET UP! SHOW ME!"
I think I may go take MY dog for a walk. Or stab my eardrums with pencils.
I would leave the house for a
I would leave the house for a few hours! Let him take care of her...not your kid!
Heck, take the dog to Petsmart or a dog park! Sometimes us SM's just need alone time and I think you are at your limit for the day.
Go do something nice for you! Take a book, get a coffee and read outside! Hope you have a better weekend!
She's 2.
She's 2.
I'm back, went for a walk
I'm back, went for a walk with my pup, SO went to the store and bought laundry soap, we talked I am calm lol. Thanks everyone for talking me through my irritation this morning.