Just Need To Bitch Some More...Could Get Long Sorry
So after the whole SD soaking through everything yesterday morning, my day went to shit pretty much. SO gave me attitude all day, I finally left and went and hung out with my dog for a little while. Then I get home.
SO took the bedding off our bed and put it in the basement. He decided to wash SD's bedding first EVEN though she has multiple sets of bedding so that could have waited.
So OUR bedding did not get into the wash until only 10pm last night, we have ONE set of bedding things. We also have ancient appliances so it takes like 2 hours for a comforter to dry. You can imagine my irritation. We then get into a useless argument about who does more around the house.
I told him I would rather just do things myself if he is going to half-ass the job to which he insisted that he does EVERYTHING. typical and not true. And then the kicker "Well I go to work all day and still come home and take care of things."
I literally laughed out loud. REally SO? I used to do your "job". He works 6 hour shifts bartending. Give me a break. HE gets to hang out with his friends all night and get high...oh yeah, REAL tough job there sweetie.
I worked there for nearly 3 years, it's not a hard job FFS! I now work from home.
SO says to me "Well I COULD just make you do everything since you're here all day anyway, I've NEVER complained about you not doing anything."
Oh yeah, jackass? I already do everything, including raising your effing kid.
(sorry I was pissed)
After a few hours of that nonsense we just laughed and realized what a bullshit argument that was ect ect, everything was fine.
Then he decided that it would be a really good idea to work on our bedroom window. The glass had cracked so he went and bought a replacement peice and 11 o'clock last night was the ONLY appropriate time to work on it. So he is in our room banging around with the hammer. He got it done but it wasn't quite perfect yet so he kept banging.
I went in there and told him that it was good enough for now, leave it and finish in the morning. HE BLATENTLY IGNORED ME. Kept pounding away. I asked him to please stop, if he woke up SD I was going to be incredibly upset. LIKE TALKING TO A FuCKINg WALL.
He then finishes and yells at me that he was getting the job done and YOU"RE WELCOME! ok jackass whatever.
I am exhausted at this point and don't feel like waiting for my bedding to dry so run it again so it will be dry in the morning and grab a tiny throw blanket and hunker down on the couch.
SO decides to stay up ALL night and watch scary shows about ghosts and crap that in turn translate into my brain as I am sleeping. I was woken up constantly and had nightmares to boot. I finally wake up at 4am and ask him (because he is still awake) to please go downstairs and grab my comfortor so I can go back to sleep. I am freezing, havent slept well all night, I just want my damn blanket.
What does SO do? Pretends to be asleep. WTF. So I stumble down into my dark basement and grab it myself and went and layed in the bedroom. I wake up to him at 6am also in the bed, tossing and turning so I get pissed and go back to the couch.
It was NOT a good night, I got NO sleep. I woke up when SD woke up and went and turned the bedroom light on and told him to get up. So I did not do breakfast and morning crap with her today, that was on him.
Regardless of my shitty night, I was still trying to keep the peace, I wasn't being a bitch to him or anything when he decides to get his shoes on and him and SD are leaving. He says, we're leaving, are you coming?
ummm coming where?
Apparently he is taking SD to go swimming at FMIL's just spur of the effing moment and didn't think to give me any heads up.
So I told him well I guess not since you know I am not a spontanious person and you need to tell me of your plans before hand if you want me to go. To which he replies, "We'll YOU'RE the one always saying I need to take
SD out more and do things with her."
Thanks jackass, just completely make me feel like somehow your attitude is all my fault. If you had really wanted me to go swimming with you, you would have asked not just snottily asking if I was going or not.
I am not prepared to go swimming, I have not shaved in like 3 days, I need to shower..umm no. If he had told me about this an hour ago then cool, I would have gotton ready...so thanks for making me feel so included today. SO has to work at 6 and he was going to drop SD off to FMIL then...
so I get to sit at home by myself all day. yay.
I said as much to SO and he tried to turn it around like, well now you can sit and relax and do whatever you want to do all day.
And before you all say that maybe he was really just trying to be nice and give me a day off...not how it came out of his mouth. He was insinuating that that is what I do all day everyday anyway sooooo....FML, I am just feeling depressed and sick of the attitude.
Sorry this seems a little long, just had to bitch, since I am sitting here alone all day "relaxing."
- IAmALady77's blog
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That sucks. Would be funny
That sucks. Would be funny if you don't do a damn thing around the house for the next few days and when he comments on the state of things, say well you said all I do is relax all day every day, so that's what I did; you did say you do EVERYTHING already anyways, right?
Seriously, needs a boot up the butt.
I've tried that lol, he won't
I've tried that lol, he won't say anything he'll just cop an attitude and do it himself sighing loudly and shooting dirty looks, but he'll half-ass it so I have to go behind him and redo everything anyway....like a child. A petulant brat of a child