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Suspicion part2...someone please tell me that a year of bullshit has made me paranoid...

IAmALady77's picture

SO wakes up this morning to texts from BM saying

"why is SD biting and pinching people?"
"She started doing this Monday after being at your house and now shes doing it again."
"she thinks its funny and its not!!"
"why aren't you ansering me??!"

SO texts her back and tells her SD never does that and he has never seen that behavior before.

How about, she is a toddler and is probably just being weird like toddlers sometimes do?

And no, I have never seen her do anything like that or be aggressive in any way.

So is this the next phase BM? She's going to start blaming every behavioral problem that she can't handle on SO (or better yet, ME) really?

Guess the fact that your baby is growing up and your breeder status is starting to show is making you panic a bit eh?

How about, stop freaking out on SO every time your child does something strange or irritating and MOTHER her.

I am going crazy :/


knucklehead's picture

Probably next up is a complaint that you are biting and pinching SD...

smdh's picture

Our BM told the child psychiatrist that it was our fault SD wiped shit all over the house even though it happened five full days after she left our house. They can't accept that these kids might actually do something wrong while in their care simply because they're kids OR (gasp) because they let them get away with shit (no pun intended). The psychiatrist suggested that perhaps she smeared the shit all over because she was fully potty trained at our house and she kept her in diapers and sitting in shit was uncomfortable. That didn't go over well.

All kids pinch at some stage. How about instead of her trying to blame someone, she correct it? That would be novel, wouldn't it?

IAmALady77's picture

You guys are right as always Smile I just can't help that she is going to try to use anything she can against SO when they go in front of the ref. (even though she doesnt know yet)....anyone live in west michigan and want to come drown their miserys away with me with fake pina coladas lol Smile Thanks everyone.

tkerb_08's picture

Yeah definitely never stops. Just know you are not at fault and don't let it get to you. My favorite thing to say to BM when she crosses lines with accusations is "whatever you got to tell yourself to sleep at night" sometimes it pisses her off and makes her go off others it just shuts her up.