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T-Minus 3 hours until BM gets here for our "talk" LOL

IAmALady77's picture

The house is clean, my hair is done (almost) SO and I are wearing cute outfits lol. The laptop camera is set to record everything }:)
Parenting plans are almost written up and I am PREPARED. SO thinks its funny that I'm blogging as it goes down lol, here we GO!


BSgoinon's picture

I don't care at all, I was just curious if she knew. }:)

I totally remember that episode. I think it was inadvertantly, advertant... Ross knew it was recording, but didn't know they were gonna "do it".

IAmALady77's picture

no but the law in our state says that only one person has to know that they are being recorded and both SO and I know that we are being recorded sooooo Smile Its mostly for safety purposes so she doesn't try to say that I threatened to kill her or blackmailed her or something.

BSgoinon's picture

PERFECT, can you please post on youtube, or live web like on American Pie, so we can all watch?

Thanks. I am making popcorn now. Double butter.