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School i.d. for travel within the u.s.?

iamlosingit's picture


BM "trip" with SS to CA is next week. She just called DH and word-for-word said "I need ss school i.d. from his picture case something happens." She had the packet in her possession for 3 weeks and didn't take it. 

I swear Im beginning to think I really am losing it

NOW (drumroll please...) DH is paranoid she is going to "stage a kidnapping" in CA to prevent DH from seeing ss again.

She has many connections in CA as she used to live there. They are due for mediation (NOT regarding ss it's something else entirely unrelated) next month. Her "in case something happens" has DH on edge and he is starting to think this "trip" is fake. He said the tone made no sense.  Bm still refused details, dh still doesn't know any info other than departure/arrival date. 

He has a text confirming that it is a "vacation". 

Is this crazy, could BM have a motive for the school i.d.?

Wth could it possibly be used for?

Think DH is losing it.

BM has tons of pictures of ss.  I did some research and as long as she isn't leaving the country she does not need i.d. other than possibly ss birth certificate which BM has. 

Is DH reading too much into this?





twoviewpoints's picture

An id card in child's clothing in the event child got separated from parent?

The school d would give photo, name, ideal of where from and rough age of child. Kind of like an adult might have a state id card which is issued for identification in event person doesn't have a driver's license. 

Kid could accidently wander off, a hotel fire alarm with chaos and confusion, blah blah. 

What BM has to do ahead of time (proper notification, example, 30 days or by March 1st of each year) and date of departure and re-arrival is about all she would have to give Dad unless CO states additional requirements. Some COs are more specific than others. What does your CO say in regards to travel and any other details one parent must give the other parent per vacations and any travel? If CO is vague and only request departure/return , that is all she has to do. 

Dad could just ask ' hey, BM. what do you think our son might need an id for?' and see what reasons pops out.... because she's right, something could happen. Just like something could happen when Dad, you and SS go on vacation. People don't dwell on it, but it's possible. 

If she were planning on hiding the kid and claiming 'kidnaped', she really wouldn't need an id to do so.

iamlosingit's picture

Court Order states 30 day notice with an itinerary of the trip, hotel info, etc.  She told dh he was "lucky" she even gave him the dates, said she "doesn't need to follow that" regarding the order because she is "the mom".  They have had custody/visitation in place for over 3 years and the only "rule" she follows is the visitation schedule.  BM has already taken ss out of the state for five days and not told dh anything, he only found out after the trip and ss told him about his "vacation".  In fear of ss not telling him anything again and not wanting to get ss in trouble, dh never told bm that he knew.  We don't have the money to take her back to court, I'm assuming filing her "in contempt" isn't free.

twoviewpoints's picture

Has Dh tried having his lawyer write a reminder to BM? Simply reminding BM that the parties have a court ordered legal agreement inwhich both parties are equally responsible per the court to follow. Quoting the vacation/travel section for her 'reference'. 

Or Dh can try writing BM a 'business' type certified letter using the CO language from the vacation/travel section and pop it in the mail.  Keep a copy for himself and he will begin his documentation by the way he mailed the FYI . Do all this type of communication between the parents in a folder. You want to keep all communication to email and/or a text app so everything BM spouts off is documented and able to use in court (even if you are not taking her to court right now). 

This thought of her's that she is Mom so the CO doesn't apply to her is full of bull and she knows it. Unfortunately she likely also knows Dad either isn't going to or can not afford to take her buns back to court. 

No, filing contempt isn't "free" , but it doesn't necessarily have to be done by a lawyer. Your Dh can file a motion to show cause on his own. He can also represent him self in court without a lawyer. However I would advise him to have a consult with his lawyer so he understands what and why and how to. 

Actually, except for getting her hands smacked for being disobedient , the first time or two (after putting on a total sob story and tear fest) not much else is 'done to her, except to be ordered to knock it off and follow the order. For this reason it is important to keep communication exchanges and document all her tricks and games. One lady here (Walk-on-bye) ended up with her DH receiving custody of her three stepkids because the BM in her case repeatedly blew off CO and it became evident to the judge that BM had no intentions of cooperating with neither the father nor the court.  

ESMOD's picture

Perhaps he is... but I might get one of those GPS trackers that would allow you to locate him.  Put it in something he will have with

Ispofacto's picture

This issue was already brought up and answered.  Parental kidnapping is a felony.  It would be hard for BM to hide this child.  If you try for contempt she will most likely only get reprimanded, it's not worth it.  Just chill.  She's getting a rise out of you.

notarelative's picture

TSA does not require children under 18 to provide identification when traveling with a companion within the United States. Contact the airline for questions regarding specific ID requirements for travelers under 18.

Airlines may ask to see a birth certificate if there is a question of age. They may also check to be sure that the child is traveling with a parent. They should be able to pair his birth certificate with her id.

So, my opinion, is that BM needs to bring her id and the child's birth certificate. School id is not needed.

If she's worried about him getting lost and needing something to identify him, she can do what my friend does with her mom who has Alzheimer's, take a picture of him each morning dressed in his outfit for the day. A picture of a missing child dressed in the outfit of the day is much more helpful in finding someone than a school id.