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Imgoingtoscream's picture

Well SD is back at it. If you read my blog she's been bad mouthing me and DH to her mom while at our house. DH gets a text from BM this weekending calling him an SOB saying that she can't believe he took SD's Ipod away and that we were trying to keep her from talking to her daughter. She also said that she's so scared for her daughter because she still has 5 weeks with us and SD was so sad. We believe the messages were meant for someone else and she accidentally sent them to DH but she claims she meant to send them.

After having our blow up with SD after finding the text messages DH and I both had separate conversations with her apologizing for some of the things that were said and letting her know that we love her and just want her to be happy whether it be at her moms or with us. After these conversations with her she told her mom that I was mean and I have been for a long time and that when DH leaves I treat them horrible. She told BM that DH told her he didn't want her to be his daughter anymore.

Part of the text message that BM sent to DH said these things were said by SD. We asked SD about it and she admitted that she told BM these things. So last night in an effort to put a stop to all of this we had a conference call with DH, SD, and BM. I was in the other room. SD apologized to BM saying that she lied about me being mean and that we were actually really good to her. She said she did it because she wants DH and BM to get back together and she needed attention.

BM told DH that SD has been complaining about me for over a year now and that most times she comes home baling because I've treated her so bad. SD spoke up and said no I don't mom you know I don't! BM said that I threatened to slap SD across the face and that I told her it would leave a red mark because I would slap her so hard. I did tell her I would slap her, if you heard the way she was talking to me you would've too, but I didn't do it. BM also said that her husband isn't living in the house and that he stays with his mom. SD said he's there all the time mom you're lying! BM turned it around and said well DH if she was sitting in front of me and we had you on the phone maybe she wouldn't be so scared to admit how her SM treats her! DH said well when she gets home you guys can call me and we will continue this conversation. When they hung up SD pleaded with DH saying over and over that her BM is the lair and that her rapist husband IS living there and she doesn't cry every time she leaves our house. She also said that she doesn't think I treat her badly she was just wanting attention.

BM is such a piece of work. Funny how I've been treating SD sooooo badly for over a year yet BM's just now bringing it up. It never came up in the custody case that's been going on for the last two years but now that BM's DH has been charged with rape she's trying to do whatever she can to take the attention off of the fact that she lives with a rapist and on to us.


Shaman29's picture

Sweetie......disengage from your SD.

Be polite, say hello and goodbye, but nothing else. Do not engage her in conversation and if she asks you questions, respond with a question.

I went through a period of time where everything I said and did was held against me in a family court of law. For my own sanity, I stopped doing anything and everything for DHs' kid. If she came to me, I sent her to her father. If she asked me a question, I answered with a question. I volunteered no personal information for years. If I noticed she needed something, I left it up to DH and his kid to figure it the eff out.

Yesterday was the first time in over 4 years that I touched his kid. I gave her a hug for doing a good job at work and for being responsible.

Unless the BM has proof of bruises and cuts administered by you and your DH, then don't worry. Take a time and date stamped picture of her arriving from and leaving to go back to the BM. Make sure it clearly shows her healthy condition.

Imgoingtoscream's picture

I've tried this I just keep getting sucked back in. When his two kids start fighting I just let them beat the crap out of each other. I don't hardly talk to SD the way it is so for her to make up stories about me is crazy. I'm not worried about it at all like you said she can't prove that we are hurting the kids in any way because we're not. I'm just sick of the crazy drama, that's why I wasn't involved in the conversation last night. I try to keep my distance. DH told BM to keep my name out of her mouth.

Imgoingtoscream's picture

Yes, she has full custody of the kids at this point and the rapist lives with her. Not only that but he was charged with raping a MINOR in their home.

misSTEP's picture

That would be the time when DH should have had a conversation about lying with SD. Your mom lies and so do you. How do I ever know which one is telling the truth? That's what happens when you lie to people. They catch you and then they can't trust what you are saying is the truth.