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My sisters twin boys...

imjustthemaid's picture

Where do I begin?? My sister lives about 4 hours away from me so I don't see her that often. She has twin boys age 11(same age as my DD11) they are about 3 weeks apart. Lets call them Demon and Satan. Demon is ok I guess. He is not a good kid but not as bad as his brother, Satan. Satan is going to grow up to be a serial killer and I will be on tv talking about how I saw it coming his entire life! I am not kidding!

Lets begin-my sister is the sweetest, most caring person you will ever meet. She just wants everyone to be happy and have what they want. But she is a complete idiot. She lets everyone walk all over her, this includes her husband and her kids.

When the kids don't get their way, they scream and yell like animals and kick her in the shins. They make weird animal noises that I have never heard kids make before. My sister will blame everything in the world for their behavior, except them. There are no consequences for their actions. She "tries" to take away their things but they cry and carry on and she can't take it so she gives them everything back.

She blames Satan's teacher for this bad grades. The teacher has it out for him, the teacher hates him. The kids do karate but in order to test for the next belt, the teacher has to sign a paper saying you are doing good in school. Satan's teacher said he was terrible so my sister made a fake paper to give to the karate teacher because she didn't want Satan to be left behind the other kids, then he will be upset. Poor wittle Satan!

When the kids walk down the street to find other kids to play with, you hear doors slamming and locking!! No one wants to play with these kids. They have no concept of being nice or playing sports or anything that normal kids do. She tried to sign them up for softball but they just stood there letting the ball him them so the coach said it wasn't for them! They got kicked off the team.

My sister makes them cuddle with her every night. Its cuddle time kids! Demon refuses to but Satan likes to cuddle with mommy. My DD11 would kill me if I tried that and she gets plenty of hugs and kisses from me.

It takes my sister hours to get Satan to do his homework. He screams and yells and makes weird noises. You can't understand either kid when they speak. You can't have a conversation with them. If they see you, they ignore you. They have never once said hello to me or acknowledged my presence. She now leaves them home alone sometimes because Demon learned how to answer the house phone. Yep, pick it up and say hello. I'm pretty sure my 4 yr old can figure that one out!

There's so much more that I would be here all day. Clearly there is something wrong with them, right? Besides my sister spoiling them rotten there is much more.

Her DH is just like another child to her. Its very strange. He is no father figure to them. He actually ignored them most of their lives. He comes home, eats dinner and goes to his room.

Ever since they were little, my mother has always said oh next year they will be older and they will act better. It has never happened. I purposly don't stay at her house when I visit. My mother always sticks up for them and says how smart they are. I don't see it.

My DD11 went on vacation with my entire family last year (we didn't go)but she had to share a hotel room with the devil twins and my sister and my parents. DD11 is capable of making herself food, showering without being told, picking out her own clothes, pouring herself a drink, you get the idea. Devil twins could not do any of that. If my sister did not pick out their clothes, they would leave the house in pajamas.

They recently had a sleepover at a friends house. My sister had to pack food for them just in case they didn't like what the people had. What did she think they were going to feed them, cockroaches?

I said to my sister maybe they have ADHD or something but I think its way more than that. I am so sick of her calling me every single day telling me how much she hates her life and how bad her kids are. I try to give her advice. I tell her to take everything away from them. She says she can't. They cry and torture her so she gives it back. Of course they are going to treat you like shit, there are zero consequences. I would never put up with any of that from my kids, not for one second!!

I am pretty sure they have never heard the word no. I am afraid for the first little girl that says no to them when they hit puberty.

So what do you guys think is wrong with them?


PeanutandSons's picture

Sounds like a dad that's disgusted by the way his kids have turned out and a mom that let's them run rough shot over her. And your mom is just enabling your sister.

So if your mom and sister thinks the boys are normal...what do they think of dd? That shes a child savant?

imjustthemaid's picture

Well its a crazy relationship I have with my mother. She will never acknowledge anything good when it comes to me. She is always trying to one up me. Its strange because I am not like not and I am not a competitive person.

My mother will not acknowledge the boys bad behavior. My sister doesn't try to hide it from me at all so not sure why my mom does. I usually don't say anything about it. Weird!

My mother totally enables her. When they were all on vacation my mother wouldn't acknowledge until months later that my DD11 is obviously way more mature than those devil twins will ever be!! It took her months to admit it!!

oneoffour's picture

Learned behaviour how to be spoilt brats. Maybe it is cute for a 1 yr old to make bear noises for his dinner. But in anyone older it is not cute and really disturbing.

The next time she calls, tell her that she did this to herself. You are sure there are nice people inside their bodies but she is raising serial killers. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the school wants to get them assessed and the parents refuse.
If they are 'torturing' her she should escape the ropes with a trusty swiss army knife and call the cops. Isn't that what a normal torture victim would do????? :? Smile

She created these monsters and I would minimalise contact until she gets a grip on parenting. Oh and I would call the martial arts school and report her.

imjustthemaid's picture

Its hard because she lives far away and I don't see her that often. I think if I had to deal with her and those boys on a daily basis I would be harder on her. I try to avoid talking on the phone with her when she is around them because she screams at them into the phone!!

I honestly do not see them entering middle school next year!!