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Let's give em somethin to talk about...

Imustbcrazy's picture



need2vent's picture

Can Dawn remove your blogs(not sure if possible) if you explain someone is getting online ,that does not sympathize but that is doing it just to pass judgement on you?
You are human and it is healthier to vent, even maliciously at times then to do majority of the things we vent about!

Imustbcrazy's picture

And helped me remove what needed to be removed. She is a God Send in more than one way!

Conflicted's picture

So who are you?? Shop?? Choco??

PM ME!! Or I will DIE of curiosity!!

Rae's picture

Ohhh...I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this! See you soon under your new name.

Love and hugs!

Mary Louise's picture

My future inlaws have found blogs of mine from several years ago and hold the rants in them against me. I know how it feels.

LVmyBOXERS's picture

And I think he has read some things but has not commented. I have yet to really let loose on here and might not knowing that he has seen it. I hate you are dealing with it, but I like many others would DIE without have someplace to vent with those that understand. You have no idea what we go through unless you go through it too.

Anne 8102's picture

But venting on this site isn't one of them. Wink

~ Anne ~

"Adjust on the fly, or you're going to cry."
Steve Doocy, The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook

Colorado Girl's picture

Let me at 'em....

You are absolutely fabulous and don't you dare let anyone tell you any different.

Alarming posts filled with anger....they have no idea. Walk a mile in our shoes...then we can talk about the anger we feel. Or what about the hurt? the complete frustration? or the loneliness? the sting we feel when we can't seem to find someone in our life who really understands....

And to answer your question, yes there is something wrong with us. BMs made us this way. Smile

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."