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Printed out the CSE forms to make DSO get his CS from BM

ItHasGottenBetter's picture

I understand DSO has his pride, and that $50/month won't break us, it is the principle of the matter. But while I don't pay directly for SD, indirectly I do bc I pay bills, help get her where she needs to be when DSO is busy and recently been taking up more slack bc of DSO missing work. So why isn't BM contributing even if its just the payment for the clarinet or her cell phone bill.

DSO has been missing a lot of work since end of July with health issues...and now the bills are rolling in and med bills with SD who seemed to have a lot of illness this summer also.

DSO has had to miss work bc SS14 is getting into a lot of trouble at the treatment center he is in, so there are more court cases, sitting at sheriffs office bc of SS and missing more work.

SD informed us last Thursday that she couldn't go to BM for 2 weeks bc BM is going to visit her Mom out of state. BM doesn't work or raise her kids, of course she can take off for 2 weeks. BMs Mom comes into our town and visits a lot (was just in for Labor Day weekend, she has 5 kids in this county) so it isn't like she hasn't seen her Mother in months or years.

We actually had to cancel plans next weekend bc we are responsible adults and BM never told DSO she wouldn't be in town.

I wish I could see the look on her face when she gets the paperwork in the mail and that money starts coming out of her 'benefit' check.