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BM, You're really going to f us over with this lie...emotionally I feel unattached

itsmylifetoo's picture

Found out last night that BM has been lying about daycare expenses. We have been paying for daycare on top of cs always throws it sos face that he "has a good deal"...not likely since 1300 each month goes to that whore. Babysitter...who bm is inappropriately chummy with accidentally sent bms bill to us...we have been paying 500 while she has been paying 200 and then guilting so about it. I'm effing done with her. I didn't blow up last night like I wanted to...I was just silent about it and moved on. When so brings it up again...I just want to say "I'm done with her, I'm done supporting your bratty entitled children while my kids don't get the luxuries that yours do because so much money goes to her...and then have your little stinkers throw their luxuries in my kids faces" all of our kids are small...mine 2,7,11 his 5, 6. The funny thing is...I could be more upset...I'm just not...This shit is so typical for bm and I'm trying to figure out where to go from here.


TickedOff's picture

What a lying scumbag. This ticks me off. So she is getting an extra 300 dollars to spoil herself with. So you are paying for her spa days and afternoon lunches while your kids go without. Hell no I would have lost it. Rather or not she gives a damn you have kids too. She gets CS so the extra money she is pocketing she is taking form your kids. I swear we need a fight club. Blind fold some of these trash bag whore BMs and let us punch them in the gut. Everytime they pull crap like this it is a punch in our guts so they deserve it. I'm sorry and I'm pissed for you. }:)

itsmylifetoo's picture

Thank you for that! I was livid when she first claimed both the kids when Co had it split...we couldn't get tax break for the money we...mostly I paid for year before last for child care, livid when she lied about osd soccer so so couldn't coach...she wouldn't have me involved, livid when she was sending nasty messages about me and telling the girls I shouldn't help or be involved when they are here...on and on the list goes. I just don't have it in me anymore.

ltman's picture

So since she defrauded you for how long, could you take her to court and have that taken off cs until paid back or she could go to jail...

itsmylifetoo's picture

I'm sure we could...but so has always just taken her shit because he doesn't want his kids to be impacted. I'm so sick of fighting with him about what a worthless pos she is. It's sad that he let's me be impacted instead of holding her accountable.

itsmylifetoo's picture

I may be wrong...and tell me if I am please, but I feel like I should sit back, have no further input other than saying it sucks and see what kind of a man he is going to be and then figure out what my choices are based on his reaction to the situation. I can't spend my life telling him what is appropriate and right...then I will always get the blow back when things get uncomfortable with bm and eventually his girls.

TickedOff's picture

I am one that wont shut up because you're going to hear my mouth but that isn't always the best thing to do. If he ever even thinks of handing 500 dollars over to her again take the extra 300 and slap the crap out of him and tell him that was from ticked. He needs to grow some balls its his job to stick up to her not yours.

itsmylifetoo's picture

You are absolutely right...This needs to stop. He took a lot of time off this past month because he got sick and he had to stay home with his girls while they were sick...After all of his payments to bm...He brought home 500...that isn't even half of our rent...I'm going to have to cover everything...not to mention thanksgiving is up in the air now.

Anon2009's picture

If it's not court ordered that he pay for the daycare, he needs to stop. It sounds like you have a child together? If so, he can and should file for a cs reduction.

itsmylifetoo's picture

The child care is co, but in our state it is included in cs if both parents agree. She drug out the divorce...just not following through, so, not thinking just signed it without seeing that she added that last minute. He's stuck with that for now. We don't have one together yet, but have been trying to straighten things out so maybe we can have one of our own in a couple of years.

3familiesIn1's picture

OMG - BM did this to DH too.

She was skimming $200 a month for herself. Stupid DH - I had been telling him to pay the daycare direct for a long long time, I don't know why he felt he should pay her to pay them when he was there 3 days a week to pick up SS himself.

Boy was he pissed off, however, NOTHING was done, she just got away with it - biotch.

itsmylifetoo's picture

It amazes me how unethical and horrible people can be...I don't understand how these bms can feel so entitled...

itsmylifetoo's picture

So was shocked when we found out...I wasnt...just 20 minutes before I made a comment about bm being a liar about money and tthat she has used the extra money for trips. He had nothing to say for himself when he defended that she uses it for the kids in response to my comment...I just said okay...then minutes later we learn this. Wow! That was instant!

itsmylifetoo's picture

It's disgusting...I will not and have not done such a thing to my kids dad. I hate being caught in this mess...