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A step back.

janeyc's picture

After all the trouble I've had with Sd6 and my bf, life was ticking along nicely, Bf has been correcting Sd on her manners, after 2 yrs of nagging him, Sd's behaviour has improved, then Bf says, of by the way I've booked 2 weeks off work in August, the first week of August Sd will be here, then he says oh by the way Ss15 is staying next weekend as well as Sd, where the f**k do I come into this? I told him off yesterday, who books a holiday without talking to their partners, we've been living together for 2 yrs for Gods sake, I told him he should have asked me first, Sd stayed for a week last year and it was torture, she is exhausting, Daddy did nothing to correct her bad bahavior, Im dreading it, I said why a week? Oh Im just showing willing, so now Bm controls what goes on in my house, on a positive note I don't think he'd dare do something like this again, his problem is that he just dos'nt think, a month ago I was packing, maybe I should have gone, I've basically had to teach him what respect is, a spinster life including lots of cats is beckoning again.


baseballgirly's picture

My SO books his holidays when his EX tells him she wants him to take the kids. I get no say. I don't take any with them. It's certainly upsetting that I don't take holidays with my SO, but I absolutely refuse to take any holidays with his kids. Never, ever again will I make that mistake. Ever.