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In need of some advice

jasperjax's picture

Okay, in our old house all three kids had thier own bedrooms. Here they do not. We only have three. So my bd and my sd share a room. The rooms are all pretty small. The only thing my bd has in the shared room is a bed. All of her cloths are in a dresser in my room and all of her toys are in the second living room downstairs which I dubbed as the toy room. There is also a sofa and T.V in this room. Here's the prob. Most of the time I have to keep my bd out of my skids rooms cause they don't want her in there(they both have video game systems in each room). I am feeling that this is not very fair cause my bd really has no place of her own. My skids can come into the toy room whenever they want and watch T.V. They don't help to keep this room clean but they help to make it a mess. So here is what I'm thinking...I think I am going to turn this into my bd's bedroom so she actually has a place of her own. Maybe I can get my skids to actually do chores if they have the incentive of a satalite box upstairs?Does this seem fair?


Tx mommy of 3's picture

That was going to be my suggestion before I finished reading! A couple I knew did that (no steps though). They just transformed the extra livig room to a bedroom. They had to be creative but it looked cute when it was finished. I say go for it.

jasperjax's picture

I don't mind them having the video games in thier rooms cause they are not always in there rooms playing. And they do keep thier own rooms pretty clean and take very good care of thier games. They pretty much play them when they get sick of watching my bd's cartoons. Most of the time they are down at the big screen playing them. As far as the chores in the rest of the house I have given up on that. My four year old does more then they do around the house!