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Knots in my tummy... Must almost be summer vacation.

JEEMudder's picture

Summer vacation starts in three short weeks and that means SD6 is going to be here soon.
Don't get me wrong I love that kid wholeheartedly, but... When she is here it is a perpetual reminder of the bio-biatch, Who will definitely call her on Skype every other night, Forcing me to have to see her fat ugly face all of the time.

More knots in my stomach because I know that DH is going to start getting all giddy and happy... Which shouldn't upset me because I know he does not get to see his daughter enough and I would be happy too if I were him but I find it insulting that he can not work up that much enthusiasm for me and the children we have here on a regular basis. I resent that we have to plan any special outings or trips around SD6 being present, and I resent that I feel that there is still some favouritism towards SD6 that BD6 has to suffer through. I also resent all of the extra money I know I will spend making it up to BD6 afterward out of guilt.

I love SD6 and none of this is her fault, but a dark and selfish part of me wishes that we could fast forward through the month and a half we have her... Or that DH would have a personality adjustment and would stay the same guy that i know and love through the rest of the year during the summer vacation.

I have this horrible feeling that this year will worse since SD6 has moved so far away and DH isn't getting to see her as much anymore...

But I will remain hopeful until I am proven wrong... And then I will come on here and tell you all about it!