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BM is going to Criminal Court

Jenn330's picture

My husband told me 2 yrs ago (I think,sometimes I don't pay attention when he talks-hehe) that BM received stolen property from her brother and pawned the stuff. Apparently the cops were involved and they found out it was her. So all this time has passed and now it caught up to her. So DH (they were never married, I just don't know what to call him in regards to her) got a phone call yesterday saying she wasn't working bc her recent ex told their boss (they work at the same place) she was going to Criminal Court. So now she's suspended until it's over with. We were wondering why she wasn't working. We don't know the date bc DH barely pays attention when she talks. But I was talking to someone who said THEY knew someone who did the same thing and they got 3 yrs in jail. :O hahahahaha that would be funny if she went to jail..sorry I find that amusing. So that means SD would live with us. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about that beings every responsibility in regards to her would fall in MY lap not affecting the BD in any fashion. I would have to take her to school, pick her up from school, wait to go to work until BD came home so HE could watch her not to mention dealing with all her crap on a constant basis and so on and so on. It's hard enough when she's here tues, thurs and everyother wkend and I am finding GRAY, yes GRAY hairs already and I'm only 27..aaaaaahhhhhhh!!! Before we got together, I had lucious locks of a golden brown color, now I have lucious locks of shit of a gray color!! So I guess what I'm concerned about is everything falling on me when there is no way the BD can do any of it. He works early in the morning and doesn't get home till late at night. I don't know how to make this situation work without resenting EITHER of them.....
By the way, I never thanked any of you for all you're great advice, thanks for being such a great support system!!! Smile