So tired of it
I swear my ss is a devil dressed in angel's clothing. 2 weeks ago was BS's birthday. As usual SS acted out, misbehaved, and was a nightmare all day. The following day, he opened most of BS's gifts and ruined a few of them. One year he took scissors to BS's birthday ballons and pokemon cards. BS NEVER does this on SS's birthday. Today SS walks up to DH and starts whispering. I say "ummm why are you whispering unless you're talking about me". Later im in the kitchen and I over hear SS talking to DH ..I made out " I want it to just be us" I questioned DH about it he said SS said he behaves better for DH cause he loves him more. And he'll behave better all he asks of DH is that he gets to go with DH anytime he leaves the house" -his words literally. Some nerve to have children putting altimatums and rules on a parent. DH says " he's only 6 so he's talking to me like i talk to him. OK he is 2 mos away from 7 and acts 15. Im sick of the age excuse and I told DH that. I wish SS was never born. He makes me purely miserable. DH says I LET SS have too much power-um ok. The child is disrespectful and talks to me like an adult when DH isnt around but avoids me when DH IS around. He even tries to fight with me. My own child who is 10 doesn't even do that shyt. This kid is almost 7 and is almost as tall as the 10 yr old and weighs more than him. Mind you im 5'0 109, normally 86lbs but I recently had a baby. Am I suppose to put up with this or sleep with 1 eye open in 3 or 4 years when SS is bigger than me? I don't think so. The only way to be happy is to keep SS away from me. I dont want to SEE or HEAR him. My mood automatically changes. He is BAD 24-7, despite my efforts. He tells other adults ( teachers and grandmother) etc that I said things that i NEVER said and it pisses me off. In 2 weeks im getting pictures taken of myself and my kids and NO he wont be in it. This picture is of what makes me happy. Im sure my inlaws what have something to say and i couldnt care less. They excluded me and my son from their pictures 2 years ago. I also am having a motherhood ring made once I decide if were having one last child. I guarantee you, SS birth stone and name WONT be on it. What kind of evil was DH and his ex c*m dumpster of a wife conjuring up to spawn such a nasty calculated manipulative hateful narcissitic child yes im venting
- JennyBunnyjj's blog
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I am so glad there are OTHERS
I am so glad there are OTHERS OUT THERE and I'm not the only one who "dislikes" their skid! My SS is 5 almost 6 and constantly not ever listening to me and it just never gets any better.
I want to love on him and want to have the strong motherly feelings for him like his sister SD10 and my other 3 kids but with all the disrespect and annoyance that he gives me I can't establish that connection. And poor daddy feels sorry for him because he's "mis-treated?" His words. SS5 gets treated like every else in this house EXCEPT the hugs and kisses and his lil butt caused that! Today, part of his homework was for him to tell me (ME, because I am the only one here to ever help with homework) what are the things he likes to do with his family. He said in a low mumbling tone "nuthin, i don't like my family." All I said was, okay we are done with homework go to your room and play. UGH! It's things like that that just makes me so upset! I am so SICK AND TIRED OF EVERYONE IN OUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS AND PPL WE MEET OR TEACHERS AT SCHOOL..think he is an angel!!! Are you kidding me??? Seriously, am I the only one he is like this too? WTF! Really stirs me up when ppl think I am lying about a 5 yr olds behavior! They can kiss it just like his butt! I really do hope one day he learns to give me respect and not be so annoying (like wanting to know my every move I make) because I don't like living like this everyday. I won't ever give up on him but for NOW I just wanna pull my hair out!
I know EXACTLY how you feel.
I know EXACTLY how you feel. ss causes sooo much tension between Dh and I. At their ages, 18 is so far away. I don't know how long I can hold on.# SS is the only thing wrong with my marriage